Response Description

Response Element Description
state 2-character state abbreviation
noharmId Unique geometry identifier. 12-character code indicating grid block, class, and serial number

Geometry type. Possible values:

A – Adjacent Zone

H – Water

L – Unvetted Fuel Island

P – Peripheral Zone

U – Urban MLE (minimal likely exposure)

V – Vetted Fuel Island

W – Wildland

X – Intermix


Aggregation model. Possible values:



MLE (minimal likely exposure)



Risk description. A descriptive rating that assigns overall risk to one of 5 classes:





Very High

risk50 0-50 (low-high) rating of overall risk. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure.
severity Composite 0-50 (low-high) severity rating based on INTENSITY, CROWN_FIRE, WIND_SPD, and EMBER_CAST values. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
frequency Composite 0-50 (low-high) frequency rating based on BURN_PROB, HIST_PERIM, PROB_IGNIT, and LINE_DIST values. Zero indicates no data or not applicable. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
community Composite 0-50 (low-high) community rating based on STRUCTURE, W_ALIGN_RD, ACC_EGRESS, and VEG_COVER values. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
damage Composite 0-50 (low-high) damage rating based on HIST_LOSS and I_AND_D values. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
mitigation Composite 0-50 (low-high) mitigation rating based on F_STN_DIST, WATER_DIST, TOPO_POS, and BURNABLE values. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
intensity 0-50 (low-high) rating representing predicted fireline intensity. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
crownFire 0-50 (low-high) rating of the percent of area with crown fire within ½ mile of the fireshed. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
windSpd 0-50 (low-high) rating of relative wind speed. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
emberCast 0-50 (low-high) rating of the relative magnitude of embers being cast. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
burnProb 0-50 (low-high) rating of FSim burn probability. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
histPerim 0-50 (low-high) rating of the number of historic fire perimeters. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
probIgnit 0-50 (low-high) rating of the probability of an ember igniting. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
lineDist 0-50 (low-high) rating of the distance to the nearest electrical transmission line. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
structure 0-50 (low-high) rating of the structure density in Wildland/Intermix areas, or the distance to the nearest neighboring structure in Interface areas. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
wAlignRd 0-50 (low-high) rating of the number of wind-aligned roads. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
accEgress 0-50 (low-high) rating of the ratio of address points to road distance. Zero indicates no data or not applicable.
vegCover 0-50 (low-high) rating of vegetation cover. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
histLoss 0-50 (low-high) rating of the number of fires with home losses. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
insectsAndDisease 0-50 (low-high) rating of the amount of insect- and/or disease-damaged vegetation. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
fStnDist 0-50 (low-high) rating of the distance to the nearest fire station. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
waterDist 0-50 (low-high) rating of the distance to the nearest available source of water that could be used during suppression efforts. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
topoPos 0-50 (low-high) rating of topographic situation (valley bottom, ridge, mid-slope, etc.). A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
burnable 0-50 (low-high) rating of the percent of burnable land. A value of 0 indicates minimal likely exposure. -9999 indicates no data or not applicable.
matchedAddress.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine.
matchedAddress.mainAddressLine Main address line.
matchedAddress.AddressLastLine Last line of the address.
matchedAddress.placeName Name of the place of the site address.
matchedAddress.areaName1 State/Province.
matchedAddress.areaName2 County/Region.
matchedAddress.areaName3 City/Town.
matchedAddress.areaName4 Suburb/Village.
matchedAddress.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen.
matchedAddress.postCodeExt Zip code extension. The 3-character ISO country code.
matchedAddress.addressNumber Number of the department address.
matchedAddress.streetName Street name of the address.
matchedAddress.unitType Apartment/House type of the address.
matchedAddress.unitValue Apartment/House number of the address.
geometry.type Polygon
geometry.coordinates Longitude (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system).