Response Description

Response Element Description
floodRisk.objectId Unique identifier for each address.
floodRisk.state.fips State FIPS code.
floodRisk.state.code State code.
floodRisk.floodZone.code Flood zone code.
floodRisk.floodZone.areaType Flood zone area type.
floodRisk.floodZone.riskLevel Flood zone risk level.
floodRisk.floodZone.primaryZone.code Primary zone code of floodzone.
floodRisk.floodZone.primaryZone.description Primary zone description of floodzone.
floodRisk.floodZone.baseFloodElevation.unit Flood elevation unit.
floodRisk.floodZone.baseFloodElevation.value Flood elevation value.
floodRisk.floodZone.additionalInfo Additional information about flood zone. Community number. Community status code. Community status description. Boundary Id.
floodRisk.boundary.geometry.type Polygon
floodRisk.boundary.geometry.coordinates Longitude (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system).
matchedAddress.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of this is combination of mainAddressLine, placeName, areaName4, areaName3, areaName2, areaName1, country, postCode, postCodeExt.
matchedAddress.mainAddressLine Main address line of the address of the property.
matchedAddress.addressLastLine Last line of the Address of the property.
matchedAddress.placeName Name of the place of the mailing address of the property.
matchedAddress.areaName1 State/Province of the property.
matchedAddress.areaName2 County/Region of the property.
matchedAddress.areaName3 City/Town of the property.
matchedAddress.areaName4 Suburb/Village of the property.
matchedAddress.postCode Zip code of the mailing address of the property.
matchedAddress.postCodeExt Extension Zip code part of the mailing address of the property. Country code of the mailing address of the property.
matchedAddress.addressNumber Address number part of the mailing address of the property.
matchedAddress.streetName Street name part of the mailing address of the property.
matchedAddress.unitType Type of house/Apartment of the mailing address of the property
matchedAddress.unitValue Apartment/House number of the mailing address of the property.