Query Parameters

Parameter Description Required Default
address Address to be searched Yes None
schoolType Types of school. PRI for Private and PUB for public. This parameter accepts multiple comma separated values. No None
edLevel Level of education that the school offers. Provided values are:

For schoolType=Public

  • P: Primary
  • M: Middle
  • H: Higher
  • O: Others (Mixed Grades)

For schoolType=Private

  • E: Elementary
  • S: Secondary
  • O: Others (Mixed Grades)
No None
schoolSubType Types of sub schools:
  • C: Charter
  • M: Magnet
  • A: Alternative
  • R: Regular
  • I: Indian
  • L: Military
  • P: Reportable Program
  • V: Vocational
  • U: Unknown
  • S: Special Education

This parameter accepts multiple comma separated values.

No None
gender Types of gender allowed in Private Schools:
  • C: Coed
  • F: Female
  • M: Male
No None
assignedSchoolsOnly If:
  • Y: Returns public schools assigned to a particular residential area.
  • N: Returns public and private schools assigned to a particular residential area.
No N
districtSchoolsOnly If:
  • Y: Return schools that falls under School District Administration.
  • N: Return all schools.
No N
searchRadius Radius within which schools need to be searched. The maximum value is 30 miles. No 5 miles
searchRadiusUnit The desired unit for search radius, for example feet, kilometer, miles, and meters. No Meters
travelTime The travel time to reach the school. The maximum value is 2 hour. No None
travelTimeUnit The desired unit for travel time, for example minutes, hours, seconds, milliseconds. No Minutes
travelMode Mode of travelling to the school, for example walking or driving. No Driving
travelDistance The travel distance based on travel mode for the searched schools. The maximum value is 30 miles. No None
travelDistanceUnit The desired unit for travel distance, for example feet, kilometer, miles, meter. No Feet
maxCandidates The Number of schools to be searched in one request. The maximum value is 50. No 10