Response Description

For more details on the response elements, refer here.

Response Element Description
id Unique and Permanent School Id.
assigned Indicates whether the school is an assigned school for the input address.
name School name
phone Main phone number (if available)
website School Website URL (if available)
ncesSchoolId NCES School ID
ncesdistrictId NCES district ID
ncesDatayear NCES Data year
addressType Type of location (M)ailing, (P)hysical
mainAddressLine Main address
areaname1 City name
areaname3 State or Province abbreviation.
postCode Postal code
unit Feet, Kilometers, Miles, Meters.
value Distance between the school and input address..
latitude Latitude of School location.
longitude Longitude of School location.
status Operational Status of the School, for example OPEN, CLOSED, REOPENED.

School Type Code.

PUB: Public School

PRI: Private School

schoolTypeDesc School Type Code Description. PUB=Public, PRI=Private
schoolSubType Single digit School Subtype Code, for example C, M, A, R, I, A, P, V, U, S.

School Subtype Code description:

C: Charter

M: Magnet,

A: Alternative

R: Regular

I: Indian

L: Military

P: Reportable Program

V: Vocational

U: Unknown

S: Special Education


Student Body Gender Delineation Code (C, F, M)

Applicable for Private Schools only.

genderDesc C=Coed, F=All Female, M=All Male.
educationLevel Code representing Level of Instruction served by school. Private and Public Schools have different codes for education level. Schools can have multiple levels.

For Public Schools:

P: Primary

M: Middle

H: High

O: Other – mixed grades

PM: Private, Middle

PMH: Private, Middle, High

MH: Middle, High

For Private Schools

E: Elementary

S: Secondary

ES: Elementary, Secondary

O: Other – mixed grades

students Student population.
teachers Teacher population. This refers to full time teachers, part-time teachers, teacher's assistant, etc.
studentTeacherRatio Student to Teacher ratio.
choice Indicates if school is part of a school choice district.

Indicates whether the school attendance zone boundary is identical to the school district boundary.

lowestGrade Lowest Grade in School N=Not Applicable, UG=Ungraded, M=Missing.
highestGrade Highest Grade in School N=Not Applicable, UG=Ungraded, M=Missing.
current Indicates if school ranking is for the most current year.
rankyear Ranking year 1 (most current year).
stateRank Statewide Ranking for year 1 (most current year).
numberOfSchools Number of Schools in the Statewide Ranking Universe for year 1 (most current year).
avgMathScore Average Math Test Score for year 1 (most current year).
avgReadingScore Average Reading Test Score for year 1 (most current year).
statePercentileScore Statewide Percentile Ranking for year 1 (most current year).
rankyear Ranking for year 2 (year of previous ranking).
stateRank Statewide Rank for year 2 (year of previous ranking).
numberOfSchools Number of Schools in the Statewide Ranking Universe for year 2 (year of previous ranking).
avgMathScore Average Math Test Score for year 2 (year of previous ranking).
avgReadingScore Average Reading Test Score for year 2 (year of previous ranking).
statePercentileScore Statewide Percentile Ranking for year 2 (year of previous ranking).
rankyear Ranking for year 3.
stateRank Statewide for Rank year 3.
numberOfSchools Number of Schools in the Statewide Ranking Universe for year 3.
avgMathScore Average Math Test Score for year 3.
avgReadingScore Average Reading Test Score for year 3
statePercentileScore Statewide Percentile Ranking for year 3.
pk Indicates if grade level (pre-K) is taught at this school.
kg Indicates if grade level (kindergarten) is taught at this school.
first Indicates if first grade level is taught at this school.
second Indicates if second grade level is taught at this school.
third Indicates if third grade level is taught at this school.
fourth Indicates if fourth grade level is taught at this school.
fifth Indicates if fifth grade level is taught at this school.
sixth Indicates if sixth grade level is taught at this school.
seventh Indicates if seventh grade level is taught at this school.
eighth Indicates if eighth grade level is taught at this school.
ninth Indicates if ninth grade level is taught at this school.
tenth Indicates if tenth grade level is taught at this school.
eleventh Indicates if eleventh grade level is taught at this school.
twelfth Indicates if twelfth grade level is taught at this school.
blueRibbon Indicates whether school is a Blue Ribbon School.
InternationalBaccalaureate Indicates whether school is an International Baccalaureate School.
titleI Indicates whether school is a Title I School.
expensePerStudent Expense per Student for district.
studentBelowPovertyPct Percentage of Students Below Poverty Level.
advancedPlacementClasses Indicates whether school has Advanced Placement Classes.
freeLunchCount Number of students receiving free lunch.
reducedPriceLunchCount Number of students receiving reduced-price lunch.
totalCount Number of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch.
indianAlaskaNative Students who identify as American Indian / Alaska Native.
asian Students who identify as Asian.
hispanic Students who identify as Hispanic.
black Students who identify as Black.
white Students who identify as White.
hawaiianPacificIslander Students who identify as Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander.
twoOrMoreRaces Students who identify as two or more races.
ncesdistrictId NCES district ID.
name School district name.
metro Metro name (English spelling).
totalSchools Number of Schools within the district.
districtType School district Type (U=Unified, E=Elementary, S=Secondary)
areaInSqM School district area in square meters.
supervisoryUnionId Supervisory union ID (ex. 032).
districtUrl School district website URL as per NCES data.
districtEnrollment School district enrollment as per NCES data.