Address Output

The address may be identical to the input address if the input address was accurate, or it may be a standardized version of the input address, or it may be a candidate address when multiple matches are found.

The output casing for fields for Great Britain are now in upper case, as of the Q1 2016 data update.
Note: Australia has several unique output fields related to the Australian Geocoded National Address File database. See Australia G-NAF Database Output for details.
Note: Canada has several unique output fields. database. See Canada Output for details.
Note: UK has several unique output fields. See United Kingdom Output for details.
Note: India has several unique output fields. See India Output for details.
Note: Netherlands has a unique output fields. See Netherlands Output for details.
Note: New Zealand has several unique output fields. See New Zealand Output for details.
Note: The output casing for fields for Great Britain has changed to upper case, as of the Q1 2016 Data update.
Table 1. Address Output

Response Element



First line of the address.


Second line of the address.


The type of unit, such as apartment, suite, or lot.


The type of unit, such as apartment, suite, or lot as it was input.


Unit number.


Unit number as it was input


The municipality name.

For Japan, the municipality subdivision (sub-city)


The municipality name as it was input. For Japan, the municipality subdivision (sub-city)

For Japan, the municipality subdivision (sub-city)


The three-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 country code.

For Aruba, the country code is ABW.

For Angola, the country code is AGO.

For the United Arab Emirates, the country code is ARE.

For Argentina, the country code is ARG.

For Australia, the country code is AUS.

For Austria, the country code is AUT.

For Bahrain, the country code is BHR.

For Belgium, the country code is BEL.

For Burundi, the country code is BDI.

For Benin, the country code is BEN.

For Bulgaria, the country code is BGR.

For Burkina Faso, the country code is BFA.

For Bahamas, the country code is BHS.

For Belize, the country code is BLZ.

For Brazil, the country code is BRA.

For Bermuda, the country code is BMU.

For Bolivia, the country code is BOL.

For Botswana, the country code is BWA.

For Barbados, the country code is BRB.

For Canada, the country code is CAN.

For Switzerland, the country code is CHE.

For Chile, the country code is CHL.

For China, the country code is CHN.

For Cameroon, the country code is CMR.

For Colombia, the country code is COL.

For Democratic Republic of Congo, the country code is COD.

For Congo, the country code is COG.

For Costa Rica, the country code is CRI.

For Cuba, the country code is CUB.

For the Czech Republic, the country code is CZE.

For Germany, the country code is DEU.

For Denmark, the country code is DNK.

For Dominican Republic, the country code is DOM.

For Ecuador, the country code is ECU.

For Spain, the country code is ESP.

For Egypt, the country code is EGY.

For Estonia, the country code is EST.

For Finland, the country code is FIN.

For France, the country code is FRA.

For Gabon, the country code is GAB.

For the United Kingdom, the country code is GBR.

For Ghana, the country code is GHA.

For Greece, the country code is GRC.

For Guatemala, the country code is GTM.

For Guyana, the country code is GUY.

For Hong Kong, the country code is HKG.

For Honduras, the country code is HND.

For Croatia, the country code is HRV.

For Hungary, the country code is HUN.

For Indonesia, the country code is IDN.

For India, the country code is IND.

For Ireland, the country code is IRL.

For Iraq, the country code is IRQ.

For Iceland, the country code is ISL.

For Italy, the country code is ITA.

For Jamaica, the country code is JAM.

For Japan, the country code is JPN.

For Jordan, the country code is JOR.

For Kenya, the country code is KEN.

For Saint Kitts and Nevis, the country code is KNA.

For Kuwait, the country code is KWT.

For Lebanon, the country code is LBN.

For Lesotho, the country code is LSO.

For Lithuania, the country code is LTU.

For Latvia, the country code is LVA.

For Macau, the country code is MAC.

For Moldova, Republic of, the country code is MDA

For Morocco, the country code is MAR.

For Mexico, the country code is MEX.

For Mali, the country code is MLI.

For Mozambique, the country code is MOZ.

For Mauritania, the country code is MRT.

For Mauritius, the country code is MUS.

For Malawi, the country code is MWI.

For Malaysia, the country code is MYS.

For Namibia, the country code is NAM.

For Niger, the country code is NER.

For Nigeria, the country code is NGA.

For Nicaragua, the country code is NIC.

For the Netherlands, the country code is NLD.

For Norway, the country code is NOR.

For New Zealand, the country code is NZL.

For Oman, the country code is OMN.

For Panama, the country code is PAN.

For Peru, the country code is PER.

For Poland, the country code is POL.

For Philippines, the country code is PHL.

For Portugal, the country code is PRT.

For Paraguay, the country code is PRY.

For Qatar, the country code is QAT.

For Romania, the country code is ROU.

For Russia, the country code is RUS.

For Rwanda, the country code is RWA.

For Saudi Arabia, the country code is SAU.

For Senegal, the country code is SEN.

For Serbia, the country code is SRB

For Singapore, the country code is SGP.

For El Salvador, the country code is SLV.

For Slovakia, the country code is SVK.

For Slovenia, the country code is SVN.

For Suriname, the country code is SUR.

For Sweden, the country code is SWE.

For Swaziland, the country code is SWZ.

For Togo, the country code is TGO.

For Thailand, the country code is THA.

For Trinidad and Tobago, the country code is TTO.

For Tunisia, the country code is TUN.

For Turkey, the country code is TUR.

For Taiwan, the country code is TWN.

For Tanzania, the country code is TZA.

For Uganda, the country code is UGA.

For Ukraine, the country code is UKR.

For United States, the country code is USA.

For Uruguay, the country code is URY.

For Venezuela, the country code is VEN.

For Vietnam, the country code is VNM.

For Yemen, the country code is YEM.

For Zambia the country code is ZMB.

For Zimbabwe the country code is ZWE.

For South Africa, the country code is ZAF.

Addresses for countries that do not have a dedicated geocoding stage return the country code associated with the input address. For example, Vatican City addresses return VAT in the Country field, regardless of whether VAT or ITA (Italy) was passed as the country code. Similarly, addresses in Martinique return MTQ (rather than FRA) in the Country field.

AND (Andorra)—Addresses from Andorra are geocoded by Geocode Address ESP (Spain) .

ASM — Geocoded by USA.

GGY — Geocoded by GBR.

GIB (Gibraltar)—Addresses from Gibraltar are geocoded by Geocode Address ESP (Spain) .

GIB — Available.

GLP (Guadeloupe) — Addresses from Guadeloupe are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

GLP — Available.

GUF (French Guiana ) — Addresses from French Guiana are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

GUF — Available.

GUM — Geocoded by USA.

IMN — Geocoded by GBR.

JEY — Geocoded by GBR.

MCO (Monaco)—Addresses from Monaco are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

MCO — Available.

MNP — Geocoded by USA.

MTQ (Martinique) — Addresses from Martinique are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

MTQ — Available.

MYT (Mayotte) — Addresses from Mayotte are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

MYT — Available.

PRI — Geocoded by USA.

REU (Réunion) — Addresses from Réunion are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

SMR (San Marino)—Addresses from San Marino contain ITA (Italy) in the Country field.

SMR — Available.

VAT (Vatican City)—Addresses from Vatican City contain ITA (Italy) in the Country field.

VAT — Available.

VIR — Geocoded by USA.


The three-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 country code as it was input.

For Aruba, the country code is ABW.

For Angola, the country code is AGO.

For the United Arab Emirates, the country code is ARE.

For Argentina, the country code is ARG.

For Australia, the country code is AUS.

For Austria, the country code is AUT.

For Bahrain, the country code is BHR.

For Belgium, the country code is BEL.

For Burundi, the country code is BDI.

For Benin, the country code is BEN.

For Bulgaria, the country code is BGR.

For Burkina Faso, the country code is BFA.

For Bahamas, the country code is BHS.

For Belize, the country code is BLZ.

For Brazil, the country code is BRA.

For Bermuda, the country code is BMU.

For Bolivia, the country code is BOL.

For Botswana, the country code is BWA.

For Barbados, the country code is BRB.

For Canada, the country code is CAN.

For Switzerland, the country code is CHE.

For Chile, the country code is CHL.

For China, the country code is CHN.

For Cameroon, the country code is CMR.

For Colombia, the country code is COL.

For Democratic Republic of Congo, the country code is COD.

For Congo, the country code is COG.

For Costa Rica, the country code is CRI.

For Cuba, the country code is CUB.

For the Czech Republic, the country code is CZE.

For Germany, the country code is DEU.

For Denmark, the country code is DNK.

For Dominican Republic, the country code is DOM.

For Ecuador, the country code is ECU.

For Spain, the country code is ESP.

For Egypt, the country code is EGY.

For Estonia, the country code is EST.

For Finland, the country code is FIN.

For France, the country code is FRA.

For Gabon, the country code is GAB.

For the United Kingdom, the country code is GBR.

For Ghana, the country code is GHA.

For Greece, the country code is GRC.

For Guatemala, the country code is GTM.

For Guyana, the country code is GUY.

For Hong Kong, the country code is HKG.

For Honduras, the country code is HND.

For Croatia, the country code is HRV.

For Hungary, the country code is HUN.

For Indonesia, the country code is IDN.

For India, the country code is IND.

For Ireland, the country code is IRL.

For Iceland, the country code is ISL.

For Iraq, the country code is IRQ.

For Italy, the country code is ITA.

For Jamaica, the country code is JAM.

For Japan, the country code is JPN.

For Jordan, the country code is JOR.

For Kenya, the country code is KEN.

For Saint Kitts and Nevis, the country code is KNA.

For Kuwait, the country code is KWT.

For Lebanon, the country code is LBN.

For Lesotho, the country code is LSO.

For Lithuania, the country code is LTU.

For Latvia, the country code is LVA.

For Macau, the country code is MAC.

For Moldova, Republic of, the country code is MDA

For Morocco, the country code is MAR.

For Mexico, the country code is MEX.

For Mali, the country code is MLI.

For Mozambique, the country code is MOZ.

For Mauritania, the country code is MRT.

For Mauritius, the country code is MUS.

For Malawi, the country code is MWI.

For Malaysia, the country code is MYS.

For Namibia, the country code is NAM.

For Niger, the country code is NER.

For Nigeria, the country code is NGA.

For Nicaragua, the country code is NIC.

For the Netherlands, the country code is NLD.

For Norway, the country code is NOR.

For New Zealand, the country code is NZL.

For Oman, the country code is OMN.

For Panama, the country code is PAN.

For Peru, the country code is PER.

For Poland, the country code is POL.

For Philippines, the country code is PHL.

For Portugal, the country code is PRT.

For Paraguay, the country code is PRY

For Qatar, the country code is QAT.

For Romania, the country code is ROU.

For Russia, the country code is RUS.

For Rwanda, the country code is RWA.

For Saudi Arabia, the country code is SAU.

For Senegal, the country code is SEN.

For Serbia, the country code is SRB

For Singapore, the country code is SGP.

For El Salvador, the country code is SLV

For Slovakia, the country code is SVK.

For Slovenia, the country code is SVN.

For Suriname, the country code is SUR.

For Sweden, the country code is SWE.

For Swaziland, the country code is SWZ.

For Togo, the country code is TGO.

For Thailand, the country code is THA.

For Trinidad and Tobago, the country code is TTO.

For Tunisia, the country code is TUN.

For Turkey, the country code is TUR.

For Taiwan, the country code is TWN.

For Tanzania, the country code is TZA.

For Uganda, the country code is UGA.

For Ukraine, the country code is UKR.

For United States, the country code is USA.

For Uruguay, the country code is URY.

For Venezuela, the country code is VEN.

For Vietnam, the country code is VNM.

For Yemen, the country code is YEM.

For Zambia the country code is ZMB.

For Zimbabwe the country code is ZWE.

For South Africa, the country code is ZAF.

Addresses for countries that do not have a dedicated geocoding stage return the country code associated with the input address. For example, Vatican City addresses return VAT in the Country field, regardless of whether VAT or ITA (Italy) was passed as the country code. Similarly, addresses in Martinique return MTQ (rather than FRA) in the Country field.

AND (Andorra)—Addresses from Andorra are geocoded by Geocode Address ESP (Spain) .

ASM — Geocoded by USA.

GGY — Geocoded by GBR.

GIB (Gibraltar)—Addresses from Gibraltar are geocoded by Geocode Address ESP (Spain) .

GIB — Available.

GLP (Guadeloupe) — Addresses from Guadeloupe are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

GLP — Available.

GUF (French Guiana ) — Addresses from French Guiana are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

GUF — Available.

GUM — Geocoded by USA.

IMN — Geocoded by GBR.

JEY — Geocoded by GBR.

MCO (Monaco)—Addresses from Monaco are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

MCO — Available.

MNP — Geocoded by USA.

MTQ (Martinique) — Addresses from Martinique are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

MTQ — Available.

MYT (Mayotte) — Addresses from Mayotte are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

MYT — Available.

PRI — Geocoded by USA.

REU (Réunion) — Addresses from Réunion are geocoded by Geocode Address FRA (France).

SMR (San Marino)—Addresses from San Marino contain ITA (Italy) in the Country field.

SMR — Available.

VAT (Vatican City)—Addresses from Vatican City contain ITA (Italy) in the Country field.

VAT — Available.

VIR — Geocoded by USA.


The meaning of county varies by country.

The Local Government Authority (LGA) name.

The majority of countries in the Africa database (XA1) do not use a county or equivalent as part of an address.

The majority of countries in the Middle East database (XM1) do not use a county or equivalent as part of an address.

The majority of countries in the Latin American database (XL1) do not use a county or equivalent as part of an address.

  • ABW (Aruba)—Not used
  • AGO (Angola)—Not used
  • ARE (United Arab Emirates)—Not used
  • ALB (Albania)—Not used
  • ARG (Argentina)—Department
  • AUS (Australia)—The Local Government Authority (LGA)
  • AUT (Austria)—Province
  • BDI (Burundi)—Not used
  • BEL (Belgium)—Province
  • BEN (Benin)—Not used
  • BFA (Burkina Faso)—Not used
  • BHR (Bahrain)—Not used
  • BHS (Bahamas)—Not used
  • BLZ (Belize)—Not used
  • BMU (Bermuda)—Not used
  • BOL (Bolivia)—Not used
  • BRA (Brazil)—Not used
  • BRB (Barbados)—Not used
  • BRN (Brunei Darussalam)—Not used
  • BWA (Botswana)—Not used
  • CAN (Canada)—Not used
  • CHE (Switzerland)—Province
  • CHL (Chile)—District
  • CHN (China)—Not used
  • CMR (Cameroon)—Not used
  • COD (Congo, Democratic Republic of)—Not used
  • COG (Congo)—Not used
  • CRI (Costa Rica)—Not used
  • CUB (Cuba)—Not used
  • CYP (Cyprus)—Not used
  • CZE (Czech Republic)—District name or alias
  • DEU (Germany)—Kreis
  • DNK (Denmark)—Province
  • DOM (Dominican Republic)—Not used
  • ECU (Ecuador)—Not used
  • EGY (Egypt)—Not used
  • ESP (Spain)—Province
  • EST (Estonia)—District
  • FIN (Finland)—Not used
  • FRA (France)—Department
  • GAB (Gabon)—Not used
  • GBR (Great Britain)—Not used
  • GHA (Ghana)—Not used
  • GRC (Greece) —District
  • GTM (Guatemala)—Not used
  • GUY (Guyana)—Not used
  • HKG (Hong Kong)—Not used
  • HND (Honduras)—Not used
  • HRV (Croatia)—Province
  • HUN (Hungary)—District
  • IDN (Indonesia)—Regency/City
  • IND (India)—District
  • ISL (Iceland)—Not used
  • IRL (Ireland)—Province
  • IRQ (Iraq)—Not used
  • ITA (Italy)—Province
  • JAM (Jamaica)—Not used
  • JOR (Jordan)—Not used
  • JPN (Japan)—City (shi)
  • KEN (Kenya)—Not used
  • KNA (St Kitts and Nevis)—Not used
  • KWT (Kuwait)—Not used
  • LBN (Lebanon)—Not used
  • LSO (Lesotho)—Not used
  • LTU (Lithuania)—County
  • LVA (Latvia)—District
  • MAC (Macau)—Not used
  • MAR (Morocco)—Not used
  • MEX (Mexico)—Province
  • MKD (Macedonia)—Not used
  • MLI (Mali)—Not used
  • MLT (Malta)—Not used
  • MNE (Montenegro)—Not used
  • MOZ (Mozambique)—Not used
  • MRT (Mauritania)—Not used
  • MUS (Mauritius)—Not used
  • MWI (Malawi)—Not used
  • MYS (Malaysia)—Not used
  • NAM (Namibia)—Not used
  • NER (Niger)—Not used
  • NGA (Nigeria)—Not used
  • NLD (The Netherlands)—Province
  • NOR (Norway)—District (fylke/counties)
  • NZL (New Zealand)—Region
  • OMN (Oman)—Not used
  • PAN (Panama)—Not used
  • PER (Peru)—Not used
  • PHL (Philippines)—District
  • POL (Poland)—District (poviat)
  • PRT (Portugal)—Not used
  • PRY (Paraguay)—Not used
  • QAT (Qatar)—Not used
  • ROU (Romania) —County (Județ)
  • RUS (Russia) —District
  • RWA (Rwanda)—Not used
  • SAU (Saudi Arabia)—Not used
  • SEN (Senegal)—Not used
  • SGP (Singapore)—Not used
  • SLV (El Salvador)—Not used
  • SRB (Serbia)—Not used
  • SUR (Suriname)—Not used
  • SVK (Slovakia)—Town
  • SVN (Slovenia)—Region
  • SWE (Sweden)—Kommun
  • SWZ (Swaziland)—Not used
  • TGO (Togo)—Not used
  • THA (Thailand)—District (amphoe)
  • TTO (Trinidad and Tobago)—Not used
  • TUN (Tunisia)—Not used
  • TUR (Turkey)—District
  • TWN (Taiwan)—Not used
  • TZA (Tanzania)—Not used
  • UGA (Uganda)—Not used
  • UKR (Ukraine)—District
  • USA (United States) —Not used
  • URY (Uruguay)—Not used
  • VEN (Venezuela)—Region
  • VNM (Vietnam)—District
  • XKX (Kosovo)—Not used
  • YEM (Yemen)—Not used
  • ZAF (South Africa)—District
  • ZMB (Zambia)—Not used
  • ZWE (Zimbabwe)—Not used

This field is not used with countries included with the Africa bundle (Product Code XA1). These African countries generally have less comprehensive address coverage.

This field is not used with countries included with the Middle East bundle (Product Code XM1). These Middle Eastern countries generally have less comprehensive address coverage.

This field is not used with countries included with the Latin American database (Product Code XL1). These Latin America countries generally have less comprehensive address coverage.

Note: If you enter addresses with the Andorran country code (AND), only Andorran addresses are returned, including the AND country code. If you enter an Andorran with a country code of Spain (ESP), you will still get Andorran candidates, but with the ESP country code.

The department name.

The region name.

The region name or alias. For example, Osrednjeslovenska/Ljubljana.

The district name.

The district (amphoe) name.

The district (povia) name.

The district (okres) name or alias.

The regency/city name.

The kommun name.

The district name.

The city (shi) name.


The returned numeric value represents a data vendor.

2 TomTom
3 Sanborn Points
4 Tele Atlas
5 Geosys
7 TomTom Points
9 Auxiliary
11 HERE Points
12 Master Location
15 Unknown Vendor
20 MapKing International
21 PT. Duta Astakona Girinda
22 Lepton
23 IPC
24 Map Information Solutions SDN BHD
25 Critchlow
26 MIS
27 Ordnance Survey
28 Spatial Platform
29 Code Point
30 Ordnance Survey AddressBase
31 PMSA Point
33 MBI
34 PBS
35 NE


Name of the company or a place name.


Name of the company or a place name as it was input.


The street as it was input.



The buildinglot number for the matched location.

For Japan, this field contains the lot number.


The building lot number for the matched location as it was input

For Japan, this field contains the lot number.


The highest house number of the range in which the address resides.


The lowest house number of the range in which the address resides.


Indicates if the house number range contains even or odd numbers or both.



The second street in an intersection address as it was input.


Indicates whether candidate is a close match.


For reverse geocoded candidates, the two-character language code is returned.

For GRC, RUS, and JPN, the user's locale determines the language of the returned candidates for reverse geocoding. This can be Greek, Russian, or Japanese for GRC, RUS, and JPN respectively. English is the default locale.


Complete last address line (city, state/province, and postal code).


Latitude of the candidate.


Street directional that precedes the street name. For example, the N in 138 N Main Street.


Street directional that precedes the street name as it was input.


The meaning of locality varies by country. Generally a locality is a village in rural areas or it may be a suburb in urban areas. When used, a locality typically appears on the last line of the address with the postcode.

African and Middle East countries do not use a locality or equivalent as part of an address. However there is no penalty if state/province is used in input address.

  • ABW (Aruba)—Not used
  • AGO (Angola)—Not used
  • ARE (United Arab Emirates)—Not used
  • ARG (Argentina)—Neighborhood or barrio
  • AUS (Australia)—Not used
  • AUT (Austria)—Not used
  • BEL (Belgium)—Not used
  • BEN (Benin)—Not used
  • BFA (Burkina Faso)—Not used
  • BHR (Bahrain)—Not used
  • BHS (Bahamas)—Not used
  • BLZ (Belize)—Not used
  • BMU (Bermuda)—Not used
  • BOL (Bolivia)—Not used
  • BWA (Botswana)—Not used
  • BRA (Brazil)—Locality
  • BRB (Barbados)—Not used
  • CAN (Canada)—Dissemination Area and Enumeration Area (DA and EA)
  • CHE (Switzerland)—Not used
  • CHL (Chile)—Locality or Alias
  • CHN (China)—Locality
  • CMR (Cameroon)—Not used
  • COD (Congo, Democratic Republic of)—Not used
  • COG (Congo)—Not used
  • BRB (Barbados)—Not used
  • CZE (Czech Republic)—Locality
  • DEU (Germany)—Not used
  • DOM (Dominican Republic)—Not used
  • DNK (Denmark)—Not used
  • DOM (Dominican Republic)—Not used
  • ECU (Ecuador)—Not used
  • ESP (Spain)—Locality
  • EGY (Egypt)—Not used
  • EST (Estonia)—Locality
  • FIN (Finland)—Not used
  • FRA (France)—Not used
  • GAB (Gabon)—Not used
  • GBR (Great Britain)—Locality
  • GHA (Ghana)—Not used
  • GRC (Greece) —Locality
  • ECU (Ecuador)—Not used
  • HKG (Hong Kong) —Locality
  • HND (Honduras)—Not used
  • HRV (Croatia)—Settlement
  • HUN (Hungary)—Locality
  • IDN (Indonesia)—Village
  • IND (India)—Locality
  • IRL (Ireland)—Not used
  • IRQ (Iraq)—Not used
  • ISL (Iceland)—Not used
  • ITA (Italy)—Locality
  • JAM (Jamaica)—Not used
  • JOR (Jordan)—Not used
  • JPN (Japan)—City district (chome)
  • KEN (Kenya)—Not used
  • KNA (St Kitts and Nevis)—Not used
  • KWT (Kuwait)—Not used
  • LBN (Lebanon)—Not used
  • LSO (Lesotho)—Not used
  • LTU (Lithuania)—Locality
  • LVA (Latvia)—Locality
  • MAC (Macau) —Locality
  • MAR (Morocco)—Not used
  • MEX (Mexico)—Locality
  • MLI (Mali)—Not used
  • MOZ (Mozambique)—Not used
  • MRT (Mauritania)—Not used
  • MUS (Mauritius)—Not used
  • MWI (Malawi)—Not used
  • MYS (Malaysia)—Not used
  • NAM (Namibia)—Not used
  • NER (Niger)—Not used
  • NGA (Nigeria)—Not used
  • NIC (Nicaragua)—Not used
  • NLD (The Netherlands)—Not used
  • NOR (Norway)—Not used
  • NZL (New Zealand)—Suburb
  • OMN (Oman)—Not used
  • PAN (Panama)—Not used
  • PER (Peru)—Not used
  • NIC (Nicaragua)—Not used
  • PHL (Philippines)—Locality
  • POL (Poland)—Not used
  • PRT (Portugal)—Locality
  • PRY (Paraguay)—Not used
  • QAT (Qatar)—Not used
  • ROU (Romania)—Sector used in city of Bucharest
  • RUS (Russia)—Locality
  • RWA (Rwanda)—Not used
  • SAU (Saudi Arabia)—Not used
  • SEN (Senegal)—Not used
  • SGP (Singapore)—Not used
  • SLV (El Salvador)—Not used
  • SUR (Suriname)—Not used
  • SVK (Slovakia)—Locality or Alias
  • SVN (Slovenia)—Locality or Alias
  • SWE (Sweden)—Not used
  • SWZ (Swaziland)—Not used
  • TGO (Togo)—Not used
  • THA (Thailand)—Not used
  • TTO (Trinidad and Tobago)—Not used
  • TUN (Tunisia)—Not used
  • TUR (Turkey)—Locality
  • TWN (Taiwan)—Locality
  • TZA (Tanzania)—Not used
  • UGA (Uganda)—Not used
  • UKR (Ukraine)—Locality
  • URY (Uruguay)—Locality
  • VEN (Venezuela)—Not used
  • VNM (Vietnam)—Not used.
  • XKX (Kosovo)—Not used
  • YEM (Yemen)—Not used
  • ZMB (Zambia)—Not used
  • ZWE (Zimbabwe)—Not used
  • ZAF (South Africa)—Locality


The locality as it was input.
  • ABW (Aruba)—Not used
  • AGO (Angola)—Not used
  • ARE (United Arab Emirates)—Not used
  • ARG (Argentina)—Neighborhood or barrio
  • AUS (Australia)—Not used
  • AUT (Austria)—Not used
  • BEL (Belgium)—Not used
  • BEN (Benin)—Not used
  • BFA (Burkina Faso)—Not used
  • BHR (Bahrain)—Not used
  • BHS (Bahamas)—Not used
  • BLZ (Belize)—Not used
  • BMU (Bermuda)—Not used
  • BOL (Bolivia)—Not used
  • BWA (Botswana)—Not used
  • BRA (Brazil)—Locality
  • BGR (Bulgaria)—Locality
  • BRB (Barbados)—Not used
  • CAN (Canada)—Dissemination Area and Enumeration Area (DA and EA)
  • CHE (Switzerland)—Not used
  • CHL (Chile)—Locality or Alias
  • CHN (China)—Locality
  • CMR (Cameroon)—Not used
  • COD (Congo, Democratic Republic of)—Not used
  • COG (Congo)—Not used
  • COL (Colombia)—Locality
  • CZE (Czech Republic)—Locality
  • DEU (Germany)—Not used
  • DNK (Denmark)—Not used
  • DOM (Dominican Republic)—Not used
  • ECU (Ecuador)—Not used
  • ESP (Spain)—Locality
  • EGY (Egypt)—Not used
  • EST (Estonia)—Locality
  • FIN (Finland)—Not used
  • FRA (France)—Not used
  • GAB (Gabon)—Not used
  • GBR (Great Britain)—Locality
  • GHA (Ghana)—Not used
  • GRC (Greece) —Locality
  • DOM (Dominican Republic)—Not used
  • ECU (Ecuador)—Not used
  • HKG (Hong Kong) —Locality
  • HND (Honduras)—Not used
  • HRV (Croatia)—Settlement
  • HUN (Hungary)—Locality
  • IDN (Indonesia)—Village
  • IND (India)—Locality
  • IRL (Ireland)—Not used
  • ISL (Iceland)—Not used
  • ITA (Italy)—Locality
  • JAM (Jamaica)—Not used
  • JPN (Japan)—City district (chome)
  • KEN (Kenya)—Not used
  • KNA (St Kitts and Nevis)—Not used
  • KWT (Kuwait)—Not used
  • LBN (Lebanon)—Not used
  • LSO (Lesotho)—Not used
  • LTU (Lithuania)—Locality
  • LVA (Latvia)—Locality
  • MAC (Macau) —Locality
  • MAR (Morocco)—Not used
  • MEX (Mexico)—Locality
  • MLI (Mali)—Not used
  • MOZ (Mozambique)—Not used
  • MRT (Mauritania)—Not used
  • MUS (Mauritius)—Not used
  • MWI (Malawi)—Not used
  • MYS (Malaysia)—Not used
  • NAM (Namibia)—Not used
  • NER (Niger)—Not used
  • NGA (Nigeria)—Not used
  • NIC (Nicaragua)—Not used
  • NLD (The Netherlands)—Not used
  • NOR (Norway)—Not used
  • NZL (New Zealand)—Suburb
  • OMN (Oman)—Not used
  • PAN (Panama)—Not used
  • PER (Peru)—Not used
  • NIC (Nicaragua)—Not used
  • PHL (Philippines)—Locality
  • POL (Poland)—Not used
  • PRT (Portugal)—Locality
  • PRY (Paraguay)—Not used
  • QAT (Qatar)—Not used
  • ROU (Romaina)—Sector used in city of Bucharest
  • RUS (Russia)—Locality
  • RWA (Rwanda)—Not used
  • SAU (Saudi Arabia)—Not used
  • SEN (Senegal)—Not used
  • SGP (Singapore)—Not used
  • SLV (El Salvador)—Not used
  • SUR (Suriname)—Not used
  • SVK (Slovakia)—Locality or Alias
  • SVN (Slovenia)—Locality or Alias
  • SWE (Sweden)—Not used
  • SWZ (Swaziland)—Not used
  • TGO (Togo)—Not used
  • THA (Thailand)—Not used
  • TTO (Trinidad and Tobago)—Not used
  • TUN (Tunisia)—Not used
  • TUR (Turkey)—Locality
  • TWN (Taiwan)—Locality
  • TZA (Tanzania)—Not used
  • UGA (Uganda)—Not used
  • UKR (Ukraine)—Locality
  • URY (Uruguay)—Locality
  • VEN (Venezuela)—Not used
  • VNM (Vietnam)—Not used
  • YEM (Yemen)—Not used
  • ZMB (Zambia)—Not used
  • ZWE (Zimbabwe)—Not used
  • ZAF (South Africa)—Locality


Longitude of the candidate.


Indicates the number of ranges of which the candidate is a member. A candidate may be a part of multiple ranges if the candidate is a street instead of a building. To specify the number of ranges to return for each candidate, use the MaxRanges option. To specify the number of ranges to return for each candidate, use the Maximum ranges per candidate option.


Indicates the number of units included in the range. A unit is an address within a building, such as an apartment or office suite. To specify the number of units to return for each range, use the MaxRangeUnits option.To specify the number of units to return for each range, use the Maximum units per range option.


A unique ID for the address for use as a lookup key.


The postal code for the address. The format of the postcode varies by country. Postcode data is not available for every country.


The second part of a postcode. For Canadian addresses this will be the LDU. This field is not used by most countries.


The second part of a postcode as it was input. For Canadian addresses this will be the LDU. This field is not used by most countries.


The first part of a postcode.For Canadian addresses this will be the FSA. This field is not used by most countries.


The first part of a postcode.For Canadian addresses this will be the FSA. This field is not used by most countries.


Miscellaneous information that appears before the street name.


This field is not currently used.


This is a list field containing the address ranges that exist on the street segment where the candidate address is located.

A range is a series of addresses along a street segment. For example, 5400-5499 Main St. is an address range representing addresses in the 5400 block of Main St. A range may represent just odd or even addresses within a segment, or both odd and even addresses. A range may also represent a single building with multiple units, such as an apartment building.

The Ranges field contains the following sub-fields:

This is a list filed that contains sub-fields for any address elements (AddressLine1, City, and so on) that are different from the candidate's address.
A listing of country-specific information related to the address. The information contained in AdditionalFields varies by country.
The highest address number for the range.
The lowest address number for the range.
Indicates the side of the street where the range is located. One of the following:
It is not known which side of the street the range is located on.
The range is on the left side of the street.
The range is on the right side of the street.
Indicates whether the range contains odd or even address numbers. One of the following:
The range contains both odd and even address numbers.
The range contains odd address numbers
The range contains even address numbers.
It is not known whether the range contains odd or even house numbers.
The number of unit ranges returned for the address. A unit is an address within a building, such as an apartment or suite.
A list of the ranges of units within the building. An example of units are apartments or suites.
This is a list filed that contains sub-fields for any address elements (AddressLine1, City, and so on) that are different from the candidate's address.
The highest unit number.
The lowest unit number.


A unique ID that identifies a street segment an individual address. In Japan, this is the Jusho code. A Jusho Code is a point ID that represents a unique address.


Indicates which side of the street has odd numbers.

Left side of the street
Right side of the street
Both sides of the street


The meaning of State/Province varies by country.

Countries in the Africa, Middle East, and Latin America databases do not use a state/province or equivalent as part of an address. However there is no penalty if state/province is used in input address.

  • ALB (Albania)—Not used
  • AGO (Angola)—Not used
  • ALB (Albania)—Not used
  • ARE (United Arab Emirates)—Not used
  • ARG (Argentina)—Region or province
  • AUS (Australia)—State
  • AUT (Austria)—Region
  • BEL (Belgium)—Not used
  • BEN (Benin)—Not used
  • BFA (Burkina Faso)—Not used
  • BHR (Bahrain)—Not used
  • BHS (Bahamas)—District
  • BWA (Botswana)—Not used
  • BRA (Brazil)—State
  • CAN (Canada)—Province
  • CHE (Switzerland)—Not used
  • CHL (Chile)—State
  • CHN (China)—Province
  • CMR (Cameroon)—Not used
  • COD (Congo, Democratic Republic of)—Not used
  • COG (Congo)—Not used
  • CZE (Czech Republic)—Region name or alias. For example, the region HLAVNÍ MESTO PRAHA can be aliased as Prag.
  • DEU (Germany)—Bundesland
  • DNK (Denmark)—Not used
  • EGY (Egypt)—Not used
  • ESP (Spain)—Region
  • EST (Estonia)—Not used
  • FIN (Finland)—Region (län)
  • FRA (France)—Region
  • GAB (Gabon)—Not used
  • GBR (Great Britain)—Region
  • GHA (Ghana)—Not used
  • GRC (Greece) —Region
  • HKG (Hong Kong) —Province
  • HRV (Croatia)—Not used
  • HUN (Hungary)—County (megye)
  • IDN (Indonesia)—Province
  • IND (India)—State
  • IRL (Ireland)—Not used
  • IRQ (Iraq)—Not used
  • ISL (Iceland)—Not used
  • ITA (Italy)—Region
  • JOR (Jordan)—Not used
  • JPN (Japan)—Prefecture
  • KEN (Kenya)—Not used
  • KWT (Kuwait)—Not used
  • LBN (Lebanon)—Not used
  • LSO (Lesotho)—Not used
  • LTU (Lithuania)—Not used
  • LVA (Latvia)—State
  • MAC (Macau) — State
  • MAR (Morocco)—Not used
  • MEX (Mexico)—State
  • MLI (Mali)—Not used
  • MOZ (Mozambique)—Not used
  • MRT (Mauritania)—Not used
  • MUS (Mauritius)—Not used
  • MWI (Malawi)—Not used
  • MYS (Malaysia)—State (negeri)
  • NAM (Namibia)—Not used
  • NER (Niger)—Not used
  • NGA (Nigeria)—Not used
  • NLD (The Netherlands)—Not used
  • NOR (Norway)—Not used
  • NZL (New Zealand)—Region
  • OMN (Oman)—Not used
  • PHL (Philippines)—State
  • POL (Poland)—Province (voivodship)
  • PRT (Portugal)—Region
  • QAT (Qatar)—Not used
  • ROU (Romania)—Not used
  • RUS (Russia) —Region
  • RWA (Rwanda)—Not used
  • SAU (Saudi Arabia)—Not used
  • SEN (Senegal)—Not used
  • SGP (Singapore)—Not used
  • SLV (El Salvador)—Not used
  • SVK (Slovakia)—Not used
  • SVN (Slovenia)—Not used
  • SWE (Sweden)—Region (lan)
  • SWZ (Swaziland)—Not used
  • TGO (Togo)—Not used
  • THA (Thailand)—Province (changwat)
  • TUN (Tunisia)—Not used
  • TUR (Turkey)—Province
  • TWN (Taiwan)—County or Special Municipality
  • TZA (Tanzania)—Not used
  • UGA (Uganda)—Not used
  • UKR (Ukraine)—Region (oblast)
  • URY (Uruguay)—Department
  • VEN (Venezuela)—State
  • YEM (Yemen)—Not used
  • XKX (Kosovo)—Not used
  • ZMB (Zambia)—Not used
  • ZWE (Zimbabwe)—Not used
  • ZAF (South Africa)—State


The default search order rank of the database used to geocode the address. A value of "1" indicates that the database is first in the default search order, "2" indicates that the database is second in the default search order, and so on.

The default database search order is specified in the Management Console.


For most countries, this contains the street name.

In Japan, this contains the block. Japanese addresses typically do not have street names.


The type of street when the street type appears before the base street name.


The type of street when the street type appears after the base street name.


Street directional that follows the street name. For example, the N in 456 3rd St. N.


The highest unit number of the range in which the unit resides.


The lowest unit number of the range in which the unit resides.

Return Parsed Address The formatted input address can be returned along with a separate returned field for each input address element. Parsed Address Input elements are returned in separately labeled fields names with a .Input extension. See Result Codes