Performance Hints

The performance parameters related to the Global Type Ahead service are listed below.
  • Use AutoComplete control with a built-in delay and minimum length. A delay of 200 ms and a minimum length of 5 typically works well.
  • While a user-oriented delay setting provides the best performance compromise between User Experience and Performance, a simpler alternative is to send API requests every other character typed.
  • The default number of candidates to return is 10. You may increase this up to 99, although it may slow down the typing experience's perceived performance.
  • Global Type Ahead API will only return results once the input is complex enough to return a meaningful response.

    For example, an input of '12' will not return the first 10 addresses that start with 12. There needs to be a fragment of a street name included with it, such as '12 Cot'.

  • If you are calling with JavaScript and using REST GET, most browsers will cache pre-flight checks based on the URL, not the domain. As typeahead changes the URL with each character typed, the browser will likely call a pre-flight check with each call. To get around this, use REST POST as the URL will remain the same.