USA Address Output
USCountyName, USLACS.ReturnCode, LocationCode, and other data is included in USA Address Output.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
LocationCode |
Describes location accuracy of the address. For more information, see Location Codes. |
String |
MatchCode |
Describes how address matches geocode database. For more information, see the topic on match codes in the Match Codes in the Spectrum Geocoding Guide. |
String |
Indicates if the address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA):
String |
DeliveryPointCode |
Two-digit delivery point value for barcode. |
String |
Indicates the results of Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing:
String |
DPVFootnote |
DPV footnote codes:
String |
DPVNoStat |
Indicates whether the building is a "no stat" building and therefore unable to receive mail. One of these:
String |
DPVVacant |
Indicates whether the building is vacant (unoccupied for 90 days). One of these:
String |
USLACS.ReturnCode |
Indicates the success or failure of LACSLink processing:
String |
Return values indicating address type:
String |
SuiteLinkReturnCode |
Indicates whether or not Validate Address corrected the secondary address information (U.S. addresses only). One of these:
String |
USCountyName |
Name of county where address is located. |
String |