
Takes an input PreciselyID, Building ID, Parcel ID, or POI ID and returns the related points of interest
  • Precisely ID input returns the points of interest related to the address
  • Building ID input returns the points of interest related to the building
  • Parcel ID input returns the points of interest related to the parcel
  • POI ID returns the point of interest

Resource URL

JSON endpoint:


XML endpoint:


For a list of Spectrum OnDemand servers, see Connecting to Spectrum OnDemand Servers.

Example with JSON Response

The following example requests a JSON response:

The JSON returned by this request would be:

    "Output": [
            "PreciselyID": "P00002T21EV4",
            "PBID": 1544941465,
            "POIID": "D000PIXJM5T2",
            "PBKey": "P00002T21EV4",
            "Parent": "P00002T4TFZN",
            "Name": "SILK SYSTEMS, LLC",
            "ISO3": "USA",
            "Areaname3": "FREMONT",
            "Areaname2": "ALAMEDA",
            "Areaname1": "CALIFORNIA",
            "Stabb": "CA",
            "AddNumber": "38623",
            "Streetname": "CHERRY LN",
            "Postcode": "94536-4210",
            "FormattedAddress": "38623 CHERRY LN APT 199, FREMONT, CA  94536-4210",
            "MainAddressLine": "38623 CHERRY LN APT 199",
            "AddressLastLine": "FREMONT, CA  94536-4210",
            "SourceAddr": "38623 CHERRY LN APT 199, FREMONT, CA, 945364210",
            "Longitude": -121.972226,
            "Latitude": 37.566664,
            "Georesult": "S8HPNTSCZA",
            "GeoConfidenceCode": "HIGH",
            "CountryAccessCode": "001",
            "TelNum": "(510) 364-8400",
            "HTTP": "WWW.SILK-SYSTEMS.COM",
            "BusinessLine": "BUSINESS SERVICES",
            "SIC1": "7389",
            "SIC8": "73891800",
            "SIC8Description": "DESIGN SERVICES",
            "ALTIndustryCode": "541490",
            "MICode": "10905964",
            "TradeDivision": "DIVISION I. - SERVICES",
            "GroupName": "BUSINESS SERVICES",
            "SubClass": "BUSINESS SERVICES, NEC",
            "EmployeeHere": 5,
            "EmployeeCount": 5,
            "YearStart": 2020,
            "SalesVolumeLocal": 30774,
            "SalesVolumeUSDollars": 30774,
            "CurrencyCode": "0020",
            "AgentCode": "G",
            "LegalStatusCode": "003",
            "StatusCode": "0",
            "SubsidiaryIndicator": "0",
            "GlobalUltimateIndicator": "N",
            "FamilyMembers": "00000",
            "HierarchyCode": "00",
            "PreciselyID.Input": "P00002T21EV4",
            "GeometryWKT": "POINT (-121.97222604 37.56666402)",
            "user_fields": []

Example with XML Response

The following example requests an XML response:

The XML returned by this request would be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xml.GetPointOfInterestResponse xmlns="">
            <Name>SILK SYSTEMS, LLC</Name>
            <Streetname>CHERRY LN</Streetname>
            <FormattedAddress>38623 CHERRY LN APT 199, FREMONT, CA  94536-4210</FormattedAddress>
            <MainAddressLine>38623 CHERRY LN APT 199</MainAddressLine>
            <AddressLastLine>FREMONT, CA  94536-4210</AddressLastLine>
            <SourceAddr>38623 CHERRY LN APT 199, FREMONT, CA, 945364210</SourceAddr>
            <TelNum>(510) 364-8400</TelNum>
            <BusinessLine>BUSINESS SERVICES</BusinessLine>
            <SIC8Description>DESIGN SERVICES</SIC8Description>
            <TradeDivision>DIVISION I. - SERVICES</TradeDivision>
            <GroupName>BUSINESS SERVICES</GroupName>
            <MainClass>MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS SERVICES</MainClass>
            <SubClass>BUSINESS SERVICES, NEC</SubClass>
            <GeometryWKT>POINT (-121.97222604 37.56666402)</GeometryWKT>