ReverseGeocodeAllCountriesPremium always includes the following fields in the output.
Response Element | Description |
AddressLine1 |
First line of the address. |
AddressLine2 |
Second line of the address. |
City |
Municipality name. |
Confidence |
Indicates the confidence in the output provided. The range is from 0 (zero) to 100, with 0 being no match and 100 being an exact match. |
Country |
The name of the country. Since ReverseAPNLookup only works for U.S. locations, this field will always contain United States of America. |
Distance |
The distance, in feet, from the input geocode to nearest matched address or intersection. |
FirmName |
Name of the company. |
LastLine |
Complete last address line (municipality, state, and postal code). |
Latitude |
7-digit number in degrees and calculated to 4 decimal places (in the format specified). |
LocationCode |
Indicate the accuracy (quality) of the assigned geocode. |
Longitude |
7-digit number in degrees and calculated to 4 decimal places (in the format specified). |
MatchCode |
Indicates the portions of the address that matched to the directory file. |
PBKey | A unique ID for the address. |
PercentGeocode |
The percent along the street segment that matches the geocode. For example, if the returned geocode falls 1/3 along the way of the entire street segment, the percent is 33.000. Note:
This value is always 0.0 for matches to point-level data and
intersections. |
PostalCode |
9-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen. |
PostalCode.AddOn |
4-digit ZIP Code extension. |
PostalCode.Base |
5-digit ZIP Code. |
ProcessedBy |
The underlying software that processed the request. KGR for ReverseGeocodeUSLocation. |
Rural Route Highway Contract (RRHC). This field is null if the address not a RRHC. |
StateProvince |
2-character state abbreviation. |
Status |
Reports the success or failure of the match attempt.
Status.Code |
Reason for failure:
Status.Description |
Description of the problem:
StreetDataType |
The data set that ReverseGeocodeUSLocation attempted to match against.
StreetSide |
Indicates the side of the street the range occupies.
USUrbanName |
Urbanization name. Puerto Rico addresses only. |
TotalRangesFound |
Returns the total count of Ranges Found |
Language |
For reverse geocoded candidates, the two-character language code is returned. |
County |
The meaning of county varies by country. |
ApartmentLabel |
The type of unit, such as apartment, suite, or lot. |
ApartmentNumber |
Unit number. |
HouseNumber |
The building number for the matched location. |
HouseNumberHigh |
The highest house number of the range in which the address resides. |
HouseNumberLow |
The lowest house number of the range in which the address resides. |
HouseNumberParity |
Indicates if the house number range contains even or odd numbers or both.
Locality |
The meaning of locality varies by country. Generally a locality is a village in rural areas or it may be a suburb in urban areas. When used, a locality typically appears on the last line of the address with the postcode. |
Geocoder.MatchCode |
Indicates how closely the input address matches the candidate
Note: The match codes returned in this field are
different from the match codes described in Match Codes on
page 530. Instead, the match codes returned in this field
are taken from a set of match codes that are compatible with
all other country geocoders. |
LocationPrecision |
LeadingDirectional |
Street directional that precedes the street name. For example, the N in 138 N Main Street. |
PreAddress |
Miscellaneous information that appears before the street name. |
PrivateMailbox |
This field is not currently used. |
SegmentParity |
Indicates which side of the street has odd numbers.
StreetName |
For most countries, this contains the street name. In Japan, this contains the block. Japanese addresses typically do not have street names. |
StreetPrefix |
The type of street when the street type appears before the base street name. |
StreetSuffix |
The type of street when the street type appears after the base street name. |
TrailingDirectional |
Street directional that follows the street name. |
UnitNumberHigh |
The highest unit number of the range in which the unit resides. |
UnitNumberLow |
The lowest unit number of the range in which the unit resides. |
NumberOfCandidateRanges |
Indicates the number of ranges of which the candidate is a member. A
candidate may be a part of multiple ranges if the candidate is a
street instead of a building. To specify the number of ranges to
return for each candidate, use the MaxRanges
option. |
NumberOfRangeUnits |
Indicates the number of units included in the range. A unit is an address within a building, such as an apartment or office suite. |
AdditionalInputData |
This field may contain input data that was not used for matching; for example, input address information that appears after a mail stop or attention designator. |
SegmentCode |
Returns the Segmentation Code |