Parameters for Input Data

ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN takes an address as input. All addresses use this format regardless of the address's country. See Address Line Processing for U.S. Addresses for important information about how address line data is processed for U.S. and Canada addresses.

Table 1. Input Format





String [50]

The first address line.


String [50]

The second address line.


String [50]

The city name.

For U.S. and Canada addresses only, you may put the city, state, and ZIP Code in the City field. If you do this, you must leave the StateProvince and PostalCode fields blank.


String [50]

The state or province.

For U.S. and Canada addresses only, you may put the state in the City field instead of the StateProvince field.


String [10]

The postal code for the address in one of the following formats:

A9A 9A9
9999 999

For U.S. and Canada addresses only, you may put the ZIP Code in the City field.

For U.S. and Canada addresses only, if the city/state/ZIP Code is in the PostalCode field, ValidateMailingAddressUSCAN may parse the data and successfully process the address. For best results, put this data in the appropriate fields (City, StateProvince, and PostalCode).


String [50]

The country code or name, in any of the following formats:

  • Two-character ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 country code
  • Three-character ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 country code
  • English country name
  • French country name
  • German country name
  • Spanish country name
The ISO codes are as follows:
  • For Canada, the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code is CA, and ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code is CAN.
  • For US, the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code is US, and ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code is USA.


String [50]

The company or firm name.


String [50]

The U.S. address urbanization name. This is used primarily for Puerto Rico addresses.



For Canadian addresses only, indicates whether the address is in English or French, if the option Option.CanFrenchFormat=T is used.

If this field is blank, the address is formatted in English. If the field contains any non-blank value, the address is formatted in French. Note that addresses in Quebec are always formatted in French regardless of the value in this field.



The key used with GlobalTypeAhead services.