Restoring a Server

If you lose your server due to a severe system failure or other disaster, you can restore your server using a backup of the configuration and index databases. In order to have a backup you must have either created a backup manually or have configured Spectrum Technology Platform to create scheduled backups. By default, Spectrum Technology Platform does not create backups of the configuration and index databases.

Note: This procedure is intended to be used in situations where you have a single Spectrum Technology Platform server. If you have a cluster of Spectrum Technology Platform servers and you need to restore a single node, install a new server and add it to the node. The configuration of the cluster will automatically be applied to the new node, in effect restoring the node. The only scenario where you would need to restore from a backup in a clustered environment would be in the event of a complete loss of all nodes in the cluster.
  1. Install a new Spectrum Technology Platform server.
    For more information, see the Installation Guide.
  2. If the server is running, stop the server.
  3. Open the Command Prompt as administrator, and on the command line navigate to the SpectrumDirectory/repository/bin directory.
    On the Linux platform, use the ls -l command to check that neo4j-admin is executable.
  4. Run the restore command to restore the configuration database.
    Windows neo4j-admin.bat restore --from=directory path --database=graphdb
    Linux ./neo4j-admin restore --from=directory path --database=graphdb --force
    If restoring the configuration database from a manual backup created by the Administration Utility server backup CLI command, unzip the file and for directory path specify the location of the extracted directory.
    If restoring from a scheduled backup, for directory path specify the path that was set in the file under the Spectrum backup settings section.
  5. After the restore command completes, verify that a folder named graphdb is present in databases and transactions folders in these locations:


  6. Restore the module-specific data for any modules you have installed.
  7. Restore the index database.
  8. Start the server.
    Wait for the server to fully start.
  9. Apply all the updates for the platform and any modules you have installed.
    For a listing of updates, see the Update Summary on the Precisely support website.