Context Graph Repository Configuration options

These options define connection settings for the Neo4j server used by Context Graph.

Authentication type
  • None—Choose this option if credentials are not required to access Neo4j.
  • Basic—Choose this option to specify credentials to access Neo4j.
User name
Specifies a user name used to read and write data in the Neo4j database. This option is not visible when Authentication type is set to None.
Specifies the password that corresponds to the User name. This option is not visible when Authentication type is set to None.
Secured connection
Select this check box to use HTTPS to connect to the Neo4j server.
IP Address\Hostname Port
This table specifies the IP addresses the Neo4j server. It also specifies the advertised port address for the Bolt connector on the Neo4j server. The default port setting used by Context Graph for the Bolt connector address is 7700. For more information, refer to the Spectrum Technology Platform 2022.1.0 Installation Guide.

Click the Add address Edit address or Delete address buttons to add, edit, or delete addresses shown on the list. For a clustered configuration, add the Neo4j Server address for each node and the port number specified by the advertised address for the Bolt connector on a node.

Click this button to test the connection to the Neo4j database server. The Neo4j server must be running to perform this test.