Connecting to Microsoft Dynamics 365 On Premise

This connector from Spectrum Technology Platform supports claims based authentications for Microsoft Dynamics 365 On Premises.


Import certificate to the keystore file: To import the Dynamics CRM server certificates to the Spectrum Java distribution Keystore, perform these tasks:

  1. Copy the server certificates to a local folder
  2. Browse this path to the Spectrum JAVA distribution: SpectrumDirectory\JavaLocation\jre\lib\security
  3. Run this command to import the certificates:
    • Windows - keytool -importcert -alias certificatealiasname -file "certificatepath\certificatename" -keystore keystore.jks
    • Linux - keytool -import -alias certificatealiasname -file "certificatepath/certificatename" -keystore keystore.jks.

Defining Microsoft Dynamics 365 On Premise connection

Perform these steps to define a Microsoft Dynamics 365 On Premises connection:
  1. Access the Connections page using one of these:
    Spectrum Management Console:
    Access Spectrum Management Console using the URL: http://server:port/management console, where server is the server name or IP address of your Spectrum Technology Platform server and port is the HTTP port used by Spectrum Technology Platform.
    Note: By default, the HTTP port is 8080.
    Click Resources > Connections.
    Spectrum Discovery:
    Access Spectrum Discovery using the URL: http://server:port/discovery, where server is the server name or IP address of your Spectrum Technology Platform server and port is the HTTP port used by Spectrum Technology Platform.
    Note: By default, the HTTP port is 8080.
    Click Connect.
  2. Click the Add connection button .
  3. In the Connection Name box, enter a name for the connection. The name can be anything you choose.
    Note: Once you save a connection you cannot change the name.
  4. In the Connection Type box, lick Microsoft Dynamics 365.
  5. In the Deployment Type box, click On Premise.
  6. Enter your Microsoft Dynamics user name in the Username.
  7. Enter your Microsoft Dynamics password in the Password.
  8. Enter the name of the host in the Host Name.
  9. Enter the name of the port In the Port Name.
  10. Enter the URL of the STS in the STS URL.
  11. Click Test to test the connection.
  12. Click Save.