Match Rate Chart
Match Rate charts graphically display match information in detail views.
For Intraflow matches, it displays one chart displaying overall matches:
- Baseline Matches: Total number of matches in the baseline result.
- Comparison Matches: Total number of matches in the comparison result.
- New Matches: A count of all records that were unique in the baseline result, but are a suspect or duplicate in the comparison result.
- Missed Matches: A count of all records that were suspects or duplicates in the baseline result, but are unique in the comparison result.
For Interflow and Transactional matches, it displays two charts:
- Overall Match Rate
- Baseline Matches: Total number of matches in the baseline result.
- Comparison Matches: Total number of matches in the comparison result.
- New Matches: A count of all records that were unique in the baseline result, but are a suspect or duplicate in the comparison result.
- Missed Matches: A count of all records that were suspects or duplicates in the baseline result, but are unique in the comparison result.
- Suspect Match Rate
- Baseline Matches: A count of all Suspects that were not unique in the baseline.
- Comparison Matches: A count of all suspects that were not unique in the comparison.
- New Matches: A count of all suspects that were unique in the baseline, but are matches in the comparison result.
- Missed Matches: A count of all suspects that were matches in the baseline, but are unique in the comparison result.