Query NoSQL DB

The Query NoSQL DB stage allows lookups of required data from a NoSQL database. The stage supports MongoDB databases.

General Tab

Field Name Description

Select the required database connection from the dropdown list. The options displayed are based on the connections defined in Spectrum Management Console.

To add a new connection, see Connecting to NoSQL.

To modify an existing connection, select and open it from the list of connections on the Connections page of Spectrum Management Console, make the required updates, and click the Save button.

Table/View Specifies the collection or view in the database that you want to query.
Note: In a MongoDB database, a table/view is called a collection.
Schema File Click the Browse button (...) to select a JSON Schema file. This file is optional. Fields in the fields tab can be regenerated either using the schema file or database table/view.

To clear the selected file path, click Clear.

Note: Fields will always be generated using the schema file if one is selected.
Where Enter the where clause to define the criteria for the lookup.

For a list of the supported operators in the WHERE clause, see http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/.

Preview Displays the records from the selected table or view.
Note: Clicking Preview fetches the first 50 records from the selected database, without applying the filter criteria specified in the Where field.
Expand All Expands the items in the preview tree.
Collapse All Collapses the items in the preview tree.

Fields Tab

The Fields tab allows you to select the data that you want to pass to the next stage. For more information, see Defining Fields - Query NoSQL DB.