Network Ports

The Spectrum Technology Platform server uses several network ports for communication. Network port conflicts can result in module components failing to start. One indication that a component has failed to start is if it does not appear in Management Console. To troubleshoot the problem, look in the Spectrum Technology Platform log. This log shows which port is causing the problem. Open the following file to view the Spectrum Technology Platform server log:


Server port settings (

You can modify network ports by modifying properties settings in the following file:


Restart the server after you make changes to the property settings.

Note: In a clustered environment you must modify the file on each node in the cluster.
Port Description

This port is used by the Spectrum Technology Platform configuration database.

To use a different port in a non-clustered environment, configure settings in the repository/neo4j.template file.

To use a different port in a clustered environment, configure the spectrum.repository.server.seeds property to specify the seed nodes for the configuration database.

See port 7687 for property changes for the configuration database.

5701 This port is used by Hazelcast for managing distributed processing between Spectrum Technology Platform servers in a cluster.

To use a different port in a non-clustered environment, modify this property:


To use a different port in a clustered environment:

  • Specify the port you want to use instead of 5701 in spectrum.cluster.port.
  • Include the Hazelcast port number after each IP address specified in spectrum.cluster.seeds. For example, if spectrum.cluster.port is set to 5702 and the IP address of a seed node is, you would specify in spectrum.cluster.seeds.
6362 This port is used if you enable backups of the Spectrum Technology Platform configuration database. To use a different port, modify this property:


7474 This port is used by the Spectrum Technology Platform configuration database. To use a different port, configure settings in the SpectrumFolder\repository\neo4j.template file.
7687 This port is used by the Spectrum Technology Platform configuration database. To use a different port, configure the spectrum.repository.port property.
8080 The port used for communication between the server and Spectrum Enterprise Designer and Spectrum Management Console. This port is also used by web services. To use a different port, modify this property:


9200 This port is used by the index server. To use a different port, modify this property:


9300 This port is used by the search index engine used by the Advanced Matching, configured using spectrum.index.tcp.port.
10119 This port is used for API calls made to services. To use a different port, modify this property: spectrum.socketgateway.port
32751 This port is used for ODBC connections model stores which are created in Discovery. To use a different port, modify this property: spectrum.metadata.odbc.port

Context Graph port settings

Context Graph requires a separate installation of Neo4j Graph Database Server. For information about Neo4j Graph Database Server settings, see Neo4J Configuration settings (Neo4j Operations Manual).

Context Graph connection settings for Neo4j Graph Database Server are configured in the Management Console in the Context Graph Repository Configuration settings. Port settings on the Neo4j Graph Database Server are specified in its neo4j.conf file.

The following default port settings are configured for use by Context Graph.

Port Description
7700 This is the default port number that Context Graph uses for the Bolt Connector on the Neo4j Graph Database Server. This corresponds to the Bolt connector dbms.connector.bolt.listen_address and dbms.connector.bolt.advertised_address port settings in the neo4j.conf file of an instance of Neo4j Graph Database Server or of a node in a clustered configuration.

Machine Learning

Ports documented in this section are required for Machine Learning.

Port Description

Port 15431 is required for Machine Learning.