Clustered Architecture for Context Graph

Context Graph databases are stored on an external Neo4j Graph Database Server. Neo4j supports cluster architectures for high availability, horizontal read scaling, and load balancing. When Neo4j Graph Database Server is configured in a cluster architecture, the Context Graph Repository Configuration settings are configured to connect to the Bolt connector on each Neo4j node in the cluster.

Image of Context Graph Neo4j Graph Database cluster architecture

For information about setting up Neo4j Graph Database Server clusters, refer to the Neo4J Operations Manual.

The smallest fault tolerant Neo4j Graph Database Server cluster is a cluster that can tolerate one lost server. This requires a minimum of three Core instances. Both a three-server cluster and a four-server cluster can tolerate a maximum of one lost server. Should a cluster suffer enough Core failures, it can no longer process writes and becomes read-only to preserve database integrity. Neo4j recommends that in order to tolerate two failed Core instances, you need to deploy a cluster of five Core instances.