Installing Global Sentry Database

These databases are required to run Global Sentry in real-time mode:
  • ofac.db
  • pep.db
  • sanctions.db
These files are required to run Global Sentry in batch mode:
  • globalsentrydb.addresses-ofac.csv
  • globalsentrydb.fullNames-ofac.csv
  • globalsentrydb.ids-ofac.csv
  • globalsentrydb.names-ofac.csv
  • globalsentrydb.addresses-pep.csv
  • globalsentrydb.fullNames-pep.csv
  • globalsentrydb.ids-pep.csv
  • globalsentrydb.names-pep.csv
  • globalsentrydb.addresses-sanctions.csv
  • globalsentrydb.fullNames-sanctions.csv
  • globalsentrydb.ids-sanctions.csv
  • globalsentrydb.names-sanctions.csv

In addition, you must install the Data Normalization and Advanced Matching databases to use Global Sentry. For instructions, see Installing Data Normalization Databases and Installing Advanced Matching Database.

Ensure the Global Sentry Database Server is in up and running. In case it is not, use the option in the utility to start it before you begin data loading.
Note: You need to perform data loading after every upgrade of Spectrum Technology Platform.
  1. Stop the Spectrum Technology Platform server.
  2. Download your Spectrum Product Database (SPD) format files from Precisely using the link provided in the Precisely communication.
    Note: The data downloads as a zip file. Unzip the database before proceeding with the installation.
  3. Select Start > Programs > Precisely > Spectrum Technology Platform > Modules > Global Sentry > Global Sentry Database Load Utility.
  4. Follow the prompts during the rest of the installation process.
    Note: You may install databases on a mapped drive, but performance will be affected since you will be accessing them on a network rather than accessing them locally.
  5. Start Spectrum Technology Platform. To do this, right-click the Spectrum Technology Platform icon in the Windows task bar and click Start Spectrum.
  6. After installing Global Sentry database, you must configure a JDBC connection in the Spectrum Technology Platform Management Console. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services to verify that the Global Sentry Database is running.
  7. Log in to the Management Console and configure the driver and connection properties using these steps:
    1. In a web browser go to this URL:


      Where server is the server name or IP address of your Spectrum Technology Platform server and port is the HTTP port used by Spectrum Technology Platform. By default, the HTTP port is 8080 and the HTTPS port is 8443.

    2. Enter your user name and password to access the Home page of the Management Console.
    3. On the Main Menu, click Systems > Drivers to open the Drivers page
    4. Click Add
    5. Type these JDBC properties in the applicable text boxes:
      • JDBC driver configuration name: HSQLDB
      • JDBC driver class name: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
      • Connection string template: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://${host}:${port}/${instance}
    6. Add this driver file:
    7. To define connection properties, go to Resources > Data Sources.
    8. Click Add, and define these connection properties:
      • Connection name: Global Sentry
      • Database driver: select the HSQLDB JDBC driver that you created in the previous steps.
    9. Enter these values in the Connection Properties dialog box:
      • host: localhost or server name
      • port: 9001
      • instance: globalsentrydb
    10. Click Test to verify the connection works.
    11. Click OK, then click Save