
The Dashboard provides the following widgets. Note that at any given time you can have just one entity widget and one relationship widget on the Dashboard.

News Feed

The Dashboard News Feed feature enables you to track changes to the entities in your model. It provides instant updates for the entities you are following, including the addition, change, or removal of properties, a change in ranking, and so on. A plus sign (+) indicates an added change, and a minus sign (-) indicates a deleted change. In summary or detail mode, News Feed also shows you when the change occurred and which user was responsible for the change.

Note: To use News Feed you must enable Track history on the Context Graph Settings page in Management Console.
Entities by Property Value
A sorted list of entities ranked by property value.
Example: List the 10 longest tenured managers.
Entities by Degree
A sorted list of entities ranked by number of connections (degree).
Example: List the 10 entities with the most incoming relationships.
Entities by Average Property Value of Connected Items
A sorted list of entities ranked by the average property value of its connected relationships or entities.
Example: List the 15 truckers with the longest average drive times; list the 12 managers with the youngest staff.
Entity Statistics

The number of entities by type and their connected relationships presented in a set of pie charts.

Relationship Statistics
The number of relationships by type and their connected entities presented in a set of pie charts.