Widget Tools

Tools Toolbar buttons in widget title bar in widget panel title bar provide additional functionality. Tools that are available on the toolbar depend on the widget selected entities in a widget.

Refresh button image
Refresh newsfeed content displayed on page.
Entity profile report button image
Select a single entity in a widget and click this button to create an Entity Profile Report, which displays the following information:
  • The total number of connections as well as the number of incoming and outgoing connections as a degree
  • Each relationship connected to the entity, which can be set to only incoming, only outgoing, or both.
  • The incoming or outgoing entity attached to each relationship, along with its degree of connectedness; click the report icon to see complete information for connected entities
  • A list of the entity's properties when you click "More"
Note: The URL of these pages is also unique so you can bookmark or share these pages,
Open to canvas button image
Select one or more entities and click this button to load them on to the Canvas. You can select entities and click the Details button to display details or double-click any entity to display its relationships. You use these and any other feature of the Canvas.
Open to map button image
Select one or more entities containing latitude/longitude information and click this button to place the entities on a map. You then use any feature of the Map tool.
Change settings button image
Click this to change settings for a widget. Other the Remove widget button is visible while you configure settings for a widget.
Remove widget button image
Delete currently widget panel from the Widgets application window.
Note: If you accidentally delete a widget, just click the Add widget button to locate and restore the panel that you deleted.