Applies to:

  • Winshuttle Foundation

Deferred Set Form Data plugin properties

The Deferred Set Form Data plugin allows you to set a value in a form field at a specific point in the process asynchronously using SVService. (It otherwise performs the same operation as the Set Form Data Plugin.)

See Configuring SVService for more information about SVService.

Value Pair


value [index]

The value to which to set the form field.

xpath [index]

The XPath to the form field.


The following example sets the field named my:Division to the value in the New Division SharePoint field, and the field named my:Name to the New Name SharePoint field.

  • value0 – [New Division]
  • xpath0 – //my:Division or /my:myFields/my:Division
  • Value1 – [New Name]
  • xpath1 – //my:Name or /my:myFields/my:Name