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Winshuttle Function Module for Studio 12.1

The Winshuttle Function Module (WFM) is an add-on for your SAP system that enhances security and efficiency for both Winshuttle Query and Winshuttle Transaction.

These topics include basic instructions for installing the 12.1 function module. Note that you must uninstall previous versions of the function module before you install 12.1. Instructions for deleting earlier versions are included.

Note: More specific, step-by-step instructions for installing and uninstalling different versions of the WFM are available on the Winshuttle Support site.

The procedures and reference tables in the end-user section describe how to control user access to tables and t-codes through the Winshuttle Custom Security Table, which is set separately for Winshuttle Query and Winshuttle Transaction.

For WFM compatibility with different SAP versions, and for SAP GUI information, see the Winshuttle Function Module compatibility matrix.