Winshuttle Utility Kit
The Winshuttle Utility Kit provides seven tools that make it easier to work with Studio, and allow you to upgrade from earlier versions of Transaction and Query.
The information below supports the use of the utility kit. You can request a link to the Winshutle Utiity Kit itself from Customer Support.
Upgrade tools:
- Import ALFs
- Import Schedules
- Convert 10.x and lower version Linked Scripts
General tools:
- License Switcher
- Edit Published Scripts
- Manage Add-Ins
- Generate Command Line/Macro
Import ALFs
Currently auto logon files (ALFs) are not recognized in Studio v11.x and later, which use auto logon credentials (ALCs).
You can use the Winshuttle Utility to import and convert all Transaction v10.x and Query v10.x and earlier-version ALFs to ALCs. The converted ALCs will be displayed in Studio v11 and later.
The ALFs will not be deleted by default, and they will remain available in the Transaction or Query folder.
If Studio v11 and later already contains an ALC for the same SAP system (for example, W6R_800), the ALF will be converted and the ALC will be saved as a copy (for example, W6R_800_1).
Note: The utility will show a list, highlighted in yellow, of any ALFs that could not be imported.
- Click Import ALFs.
- Click Start Importing Now.
- Click Open.
- Navigate to the ALF file that you want to import, select the file, and click Open.
By default, .Alf files are stored in the C:\<username>\Documents\Winshuttle\<product>\Alf folder, where <product> is Transaction or Query.
- Repeat steps 3-4 to open all the .Alf files that you want to import.
- Click Next.
- Select the files that you want to import, and then click Import.
Note: You can also delete scheduled scripts by selecting them and then clicking Delete Selected.
- After the files are imported, click OK.
Important: Studio v11 and later version ALCs are stored at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Winshuttle\Connector\11\LogonSettings.xml.
Import Schedules
Scheduled tasks that were set up in v10.x are not automatically recognized by v11 and later versions. You can use the utility to convert them.
The utility shows you all tasks that were scheduled in Transaction v10.x and Query v10.x and earlier versions.
After all the scheduled tasks have been imported, the older versions are deleted, and the tasks can be run through Studio v11 and later versions only. This prevents duplicated runs.
The status of imported scheduled tasks will say "Not yet run" even if the task was run in v10.x.
Note: The utility will show a list, highlighted in yellow, of any scheduled tasks that could not be imported.
- Click Import Schedules.
- Click Start Importing Now.
- Select the scheduled scripts that you want to import, and then click Import.
Note: You can also delete scheduled scripts by selecting them and then clicking Delete Selected.
- After the scheduled scripts are imported, click Close.
Convert 10.x and lower version Linked Scripts
Currently v10.x scripts cannot be linked with v11 and later scripts, and v10.x linked scripts cannot be submitted to Foundation v11 and later. Instead of converting the scripts individually, you can use the utility to do the following:
Convert script chains that were created in v10.x to the v11 and later format. The chained scripts will be created in the same folder and have the extension _v11 (or _v12 or later version), unless you check the Overwrite original box.
If any or all carry settings (data file, start row, end row, number of records, sheet) are carried forward from the first v10.x script, the converted v11 (or later version) script chain will show the carry setting as Custom, with all of these settings carried from the first file. All other settings, such as ALC and backup SAP, will be picked from the individual files.
If the v10.x script chain has no carry settings defined for the first script, Studio v11 and later will apply the Run settings - All from Individual Script setting.
- Click Convert 10.x and lower version Linked Scripts.
- Click the Browse script button, navigate to the first linked script in the chain, click Open, and then click Open again.
- Only linked scripts can be opened. If you select an unlinked script, an error message will appear.
- To replace the original script, check the Overwrite Original box.
- Click Convert.
- Click Close.
License Switcher
Use the license switcher to change from Connect mode to Foundation mode or vice versa by selecting that mode and clicking Save.
If you are using this utility for the first time, you will be prompted to open Studio in the mode that you are trying to switch to.
If Studio does not recognize the Connect password or the Foundation website address and you are unable to log on, you can click Reset Activation, and it will prompt you to select the mode from Studio and provide a different password or a new website address.
Switch modes
- Click License Switcher.
- Click Connect or Foundation.
- Click Save.
Change the password or website
- Click License Switcher.
- Click Connect or Foundation.
- Click Reset Activation.
Edit Published Scripts
Use this tool to edit published scripts without republishing them from Studio.
- Click Edit Published Scripts.
- Click the Browse Excel file button, browse to the data file to which the script is published, click Open, and then click Open again.
- Select the script.
- Click any of the following options:
- Reorder the scripts if more than one is published to the same sheet. Use the arrow buttons to move a script up or down in the order.
- Edit the following fields:
- Display Name
- Sheet name (check the Bind to this sheet box to ensure that sheet is used)
- Start Row and End Row
- Backup SAP data
- Launch SAP GUI
- Skip field indicator
(These fields might vary depending on whether the published script is for Transaction or for Query.)
Note: If you are using Foundation mode, the Edit button is not available.
- Add or delete scripts.
- Undo an added script.
- Unlink a script from a chain (this is helpful if you are getting an error during the run and you want to find out which script contains the error).
Manage Add-Ins
Important: To manage add-ins, you must run the utility kit as an administrator. Start the kit by right-clicking it and clicking Run as Administrator.
- Click Manage Add-Ins.
- Click the add-in that you want to change.
- Do one of the following:
- Register or un-register the add-in.
- Register or un-register the macro. If the macro is unregistered, Run will no longer be available.
- Load the add-in or macro if it is installed but has not been loaded.
- Repair the add-in or macro. Repair basically un-registers and then registers the add-in or macro.
Generate Command Line/Macro
Command line code and macro code is complex and hard to prepare. This tool uses the run settings that you enter to automatically generate command line and macro code that you can copy and run on the command line or paste into an Excel macro.
Generate a command line
In Connect mode, provide the script file and data file paths. The rest of the fields are optional.
In Foundation mode, click URL and enter the path to the script on the Foundation site, or click Local Script, click the Browse button, navigate to the script, and click Open.
If you click ALC, type the SAP server description. If you click Server-Client, type the values for Server and Client ID.
Generating macro code
The utility for creating macro code generates only the Winshuttle portion of the code. You need to provide the rest of the macro code.
You have options for both published and unpublished scripts.
To specify the log column or cell, row selection, and run type, click more commands. For the run type, you can choose Run options, Debug options, or Validate options.