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Approving and rejecting files

Approving, rejecting, and reassigning .TXR files

Submitting a file that has been rejected and then updated

When a file is rejected and returned to you for updates, save the file locally, make changes, and then resubmit by clicking Submit and completing the wizard.

Approving and rejecting files

When a .TxR file has been submitted for review, the file can be approved or rejected.

To approve or reject a file

  1. Under Tasks, click the file. From the Tasks Details window, click the file name.
  2. If supporting documents are available for the file, click View attachments to see them.
  3. To approve or reject the file, click View.
  4. In the Review Tasks window, click Approve or Reject. If you want, add a comment to explain why you have approved or rejected the file. Click Complete Task. Note: if you are a reviewer, you must either close the client and reopen it, or open the file from within Excel.

Reassigning files

When a .txr file has been submitted for review, the file can be reassigned to another reviewer.

To reassign a file to another reviewer

  1. In the Review Tasks window, click Reassign.
  2. Select the user that you want to reassign the file to. If you want, add a comment. Click Complete Task.
  3. Verify that the file that you want to run is marked "Approved." Click Run.

Running scripts

To run a script

  1. Verify that the file that you want to run is marked "Approved."
  2. Click Run. For more information about running files, see Run a Recording (Excel Data Source)

To view more information about files

Also in this section

Submitting a file for approval

Approving, rejecting, and reassigning data files

Publishing a web service from a TRANSACTION script

Approving and rejecting from within Excel

Working with CENTRAL