Email Templates
You can create standardized emails to be sent on an automated basis. These emails may, for example, assign a task, or note that a user was added successfully. Predefined email templates are available which you can customize to your needs.
Email templates created at the app level can be managed, and their use is restricted to within an app; they must be recreated for use within different apps.
Only the Global Administrator can view and manage global-level email templates.
You can choose from the following languages to create email templates:
- English
- German
- Spanish
- French
You can perform the following actions related to email templates:
- View all existing email templates
- Add an email templates
- Edit an email templates
- Delete an email templates
View existing email templates
To view all existing email templates:
- Click the Apps menu, select an app, and then click on the icon under the Actions
- Click the Configurations option, then click the Email Templates tab on top.
Select a language from the drop-down list at the top right of the table. All email templates available for that language will appear tabulated on the page. You can view the following:
- Name: Classification of the email
- Subject: Email subject
Type: User-defined or System-defined
- User-defined. You can create new, edit, and delete these templates.
- System-defined. These are created by default. You can edit them; you cannot create or delete them.
Note:By default, the emails will be listed in the language that is set as the user locale.
Add an email template
To ensure you receive data in the correct format, add tags such as {{mailRef}} or {{History}}.
Global administrators can determine the order of the information included in the body of an Email Template. They can also control the order of the overall elements within each template - elements such as process history or links to an approval task.
Email template names cannot be localized. Hence name the templates such that people using other languages can understand.
To add an email template:
- Click the Apps menu, select an app, and then click on the icon under the Actions
- Click the Configurations option, then click the Email Templates tab on top.
- On the Email Templates page, click Add. The Add Email Template page appears.
Enter details for the following fields:
- Name – Classification of the email. Example: User role changed
- Language – Language in which you want to create the template
Ribbon Type – One of the three ribbon types below, to be displayed in the email body
- Notification – Blue ribbon without buttons
- Task – Blue ribbon with an “Open Task” button
- Error -- Red ribbon without buttons
- Ribbon Text – Text to be displayed on the ribbon in the email
- Subject – Subject of the email to be sent
- Notification – Text to be displayed in the notification pane of the home page
- Body – In the Body field, you can enter your email text. Standard HTML editing options are available to customize the look and feel of your message. For example, you can choose the font type and font size.
Note:You can select languages from the Language field drop-down list to create language-specific versions. After you save the email template, you can view your customized and localized text within each of the different languages.
- Click Submit. A message notifies you that the email template has been saved successfully. You can also see it listed on the Email Templates page.
Edit an email template
To edit an email template:
- Click the Apps menu, select an app, and then click on the icon under the Actions
- Click the Configurations option, then click the Email Templates tab on top.
- On the Email Templates page, select an email template, and then click Edit. The Update Email Template page appears.
- Select the language from the Language drop-down list.
Change details as required within the following fields:
- Ribbon Type
- Ribbon Text
- Subject
- Notification
- Body (you can change the order of information within the body of an email template)
- Click Submit. A message will notify you that the email template has been updated successfully.
Delete an email template
To delete an email template:
- Click the Apps menu, select an app, and then click on the icon under the Actions
- Click the Configurations option, then click the Email Templates tab on top.
On the Email Templates page, select an email template, and then click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
Note:Only User-defined email templates can be deleted. Users/admin users cannot delete System-defined email templates.
- Click Yes. A message will notify you that the email template has been deleted successfully.