Change, insert or delete items in the Query custom security table

Enter the transaction code /n/WINSHTLQ/ADMPANEL.

enter the t code

Click the Query Security tab.

query security tab

The screen will show the Table /WINSHTLQ/QRSAOB values.

Note: Click Cancel to cancel any action or return to the previous screen.cancel button

The following steps show you how to insert, delete, and change values.

Change values

Note that key values (Table name, Authorization object, and Field name) cannot be modified. To change any of these, delete the record, and then add it with the values that you want.

To modify the table field text values, click Change.

change button

Make the changes that you want in the Field Text column, and then click Save.

save button

The Data Saved message at the bottom of the window shows that the save was successful.

data saved message

Insert Row (Addition)

To add a new row in the Table /WINSHTLQ/QRSAOB, select the record or position, and then click Insert Row.

insert row button

Enter the values for the fields.

Important: The following fields are mandatory:Table nameAuthorization objectField name

Click Save.

save button

The Data Saved message at the bottom of the window shows that the save was successful.

data saved message

Delete Row (Deleting an existing record)

Select a record/row to be deleted from the Table /WINSHTLQ/QRSAOB.

Click Delete Row.

delete row button

Click Save to complete the deletion of the selected record.

save button

The Data Saved message at the bottom of the window shows that the save was successful.

data saved message