Item Editor Widget
The Item Editor Widget works either in conjunction with the Repository View Widget, or with both the Repository Status Report Widget and the Repository Report Widget, allowing the user to edit the selected record.
Note: If more than one Item Editor Widget is active, selecting a record will cause all Item Editor Widgets to open the record for editing at the same time. It is therefore suggested that only one Item Editor Widget is open at a time.
Item Editor Widget with Repository View Widget
If used with the Repository View Widget, selecting a record in the Repository View Widget will bring the record up for editing in the Item Editor Widget, in either theDetail Editor Tab orDetail Sidebar Editor as configured in the Item Editor Widget.
Item Editor Widget and Repository View Widget |
To edit a record in the Item Editor Widget, open the desired repository in a Repository View Widget, (see Repository View Widget) and open an Item Editor Widget.
In the Repository View Widget, select the record to be edited. The record will be displayed for editing in theItem Editor Widget. The record will be opened in either a Detail Editor Tab (see Detail Editor Tab) or a Detail Editor Sidebar (see Detail Editor Sidebar) , depending on the configuration of the Item Editor Widget.
Item Editor Widget with Repository Status and Repository Status Report Widgets
If used in conjunction with theRepository Status Report Widget and the Repository Report Widget:
- The Repository Status Report Widget shows the status of the records in the configured repository.
- The Repository Report Widget displays the records in the repository being displayed in the Repository Status Report Widget, either all the records or only the records selected by their status.
- The Item Editor Widget allows the user to edit a record selected in the Repository Report Widget.
Item Editor Widget with Repository Status Widget and Repository Report Widget |
To edit a record in the Item Editor Widget:
- Open the desired repository in a Repository Status Report Widget. (See Repository Status Report Widget.)
- Open a Repository Report Widget. (See Repository Report Widget.) The Repository Report Widget will display all the records in the repository opened in the Repository Status Report.
- To have the Repository Report Widget display a subset of the records, click the desired status color in the graph on theRepository Status Report Widget. The Repository Report Widget will only show those records with the corresponding status. When theRepository Status Report Widget is refreshed, the Repository Report Widget will return to displaying all the records in the selected repository.
- Open an Item Editor Widget.
- In the Repository Report Widget, select the record to be edited. The record will be displayed for editing in theItem Editor Widget. The record will be opened in either a Detail Editor Tab (see Detail Editor Tab) or a Detail Editor Sidebar (see Detail Editor Sidebar) , depending on the configuration of the Item Editor Widget.
- Edit the record as desired.
- To save the changes to the record, click the Save button on the Item Editor Widget’s Activity Bar.
Configuring Item Editor Widget
To configure a Configuring Item Editor Widget, first configure a new blank Widget. For more information on adding and configuring new Widgets, see Add a Widget.
Select the Widget Settings icon in the upper right of the
new Widget’s Activity Bar. Note that a Widget’s Activity Bar will not be displayed unless the cursor is
hovering over the top of the Widget.
A Widget Configuration window will appear. Select Detail Editor Sidebar from the Type dropdown list on the far right of the Widget Configuration window. The Detail Editor Sidebar configuration options will appear.
Configure the Item Editor Widget |
Edit the Item Editor Widget’s configuration options as desired.
- Title: The title of the Widget. It is helpful if the title of a Widget reflects the source of the data as well as the Widget’s type, for instance “Product Staging Detail Editor Sidebar”.
- Detail Editor Tab: If selected, the Widget will open the record in the Detail Editor Tab, which shows the selected record in a scrollable pane. (For more information, see Detail Editor Tab.)
- Detail Editor Sidebar: If selected, the Widget will open the record in the Detail Editor Sidebar. (For more information, see Detail Editor Sidebar.)
Click Apply to save the changes to theItem Editor Widget and close theWidget Configuration window. Click Cancel to close the Widget Configuration window without saving the changes. Item Editor Widget