User and Group Managment
System Security Management
To efficiently manage security, EnterWorks recommends that system security is managed at the group level rather than the user level. Managing security at the group level means that users are added to user groups according to the types of system responsibilities and access they are meant to have (or their functional "roles"). Permissions are then granted to the user groups. These permissions control which functions the members of a group are allowed to perform and which objects they can access.
Examples of user groups are: Administrator, Product Manager, Publication Manager, and Syndication Manager. These groups should be designed around each organization’s specific business processes.
User Management
User accounts can be managed by an external service or they can be managed locally by EnterWorks.
For a complete discussion of all user management tasks and instructions on performing those tasks in the Classic UI, see the Precisely EnterWorks Classic System Administration Guide.
In the New UI, you can create, delete, or edit a local user account and you can assign or remove a local user from a group.
Changing a local user's password can only be performed in the Classic UI.
Group Management
Group management task are discussed in Group Management.