Query Parameters

The following table defines the GET query parameters for the Reverse Geocode service. For information on the response, see Response Description.
xDoubleLongitude in degrees. For example: -79.391165Required
yDoubleLatitude in degrees. For example: 43.643469Required
countryStringISO country code or country name, for example: CAN. For a list of ISO country codes, see Geocode Premium: Country Reference Listing and ISO 3166-1 Country Codes. Optional
coordSysNameString (URL-encoded)Specifies the coordinate system that you want to convert the geometry to. The format must be the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code or the SRID code. Default = EPSG:4326.

Specify the coordinate reference system in the format codespace:code.

distanceDoubleSets the radius in which the Reverse Geocode service searches for a match to the input coordinates. The unit of measurement is specified using distanceUnits. Default = 150 meters. Maximum value = 5280 feet (1 mile ) or 1609 meters.Optional
distanceUnitsStringSpecifies the unit of measurement for the search distance. One of the following:
  • Feet
  • Meters - Default