Query Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
longitude The longitude of the location. (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system) Required
latitude The latitude of the location. (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system) Required

Specifies the maximum number of fire stations that this service retrieves. The default value is 3. The retrieved fire stations are distance ordered from the specified location. Maximum of 5 fire stations can be retrieved.

travelTime Maximum travel time from input location to fire station.

Maximum value: 2.5 hrs

travelTimeUnit Travel time unit such as minutes (default), hours, seconds or milliseconds. Optional
travelDistance Maximum travel distance from input location to fire station.

Maximum value: 100 miles

travelDistanceUnit Travel distance unit such as Feet, Kilometers, Miles (default) or Meters. Optional
sortBy Sort the fire stations results by either travel time or travel distance (nearest first). Default sorting is by travel time. Optional


Specifies whether the routing calculation uses the historic traffic speeds. These speeds are based on different time-of-day buckets. The data must have historic traffic speeds included in order to use this feature. The data for each country/region has the same bucket definitions, where the speeds for these bucket values may vary. The options are:


The default value. Historic traffic data is not used in the calculation. Instead an averaged speed value is used.


Calculate routes with the peak AM speeds. The AMPeak time bucket is from 07:00 to 10:00hr time of day.


Calculate routes with the peak PM speeds. The PMPeak time bucket is from 16:00 to 19:00hr time of day.


Calculate routes with the off peak (daytime) speeds. The OffPeak time bucket is from 10:00 to 16:00hr time of day.


Calculate routes with the nighttime speeds. The Night time bucket is from 22:00 to 04:00 hours time of day.
Note: This parameter is applicable for the following countries:
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Great Britain
  • Sweden
  • South Africa