fireStation.numWithinDepartment |
Firestation number within this department. |
fireStation.locationReference |
Station's location reference (based on street geocoding, Zip Code 4 geocoding), or
department location. |
fireStation.travelDistance.unit |
Unit in which firestation distance is returned. Default unit 'miles' is returned if no
value is provided in the request. |
fireStation.travelDistance.value |
Travel distance from the firestation to the input address. |
fireStation.travelTime.unit |
Unit in which firestation time is returned. Default unit
'minutes' is returned if no value is provided in the input. |
fireStation.travelTime.value |
Travel time from the firestation to the input address. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.formattedAddress |
Formatted Address of the firestation is a combination of mainAddressLine and
addressLastLine |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.mainAddressLine |
Main address line of the firestation. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.addressLastLine |
Last line part of firestation's site address. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.placeName |
Name of the place where firestation's site address
exists. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.areaName1 |
State/Province of the firestation. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.areaName2 |
County/Region of the firestation. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.areaName3 |
City/Town of the firestation. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.areaName4 |
Suburb/Village of the firestation |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.postCode |
5-digit ZIP Code of the firestation with or without a
hyphen. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.postCodeExt |
Zip code extension of the firestation. | |
The 3-character ISO country code of the firestation. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.addressNumber |
Number of the firestation's address. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.streetName |
Street name of the firestation's address. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.unitType |
Apartment/House type of the firestation's address. |
fireStation.contactDetails.address.unitValue |
Apartment/House number of the firestation's address. | |
Telephone number of the firestation. | |
Name of the firestation's department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.type |
Type of firestation's department, for example: volunteer, career etc |
fireStation.fireDepartment.numberOfStations |
Number of stations operated by the firesation's department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.administrativeOfficeOnly |
Whether or not this firestation's department location is an administrative
office. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.formattedAddress |
Formatted Address of the firestation's department is a combination of mainAddressLine
and addressLastLine. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.mainAddressLine |
Main address line of the firestation department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.addressLastLine |
Last line of the firestation department's address. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.placeName |
Name of the place of firestation department's site address. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.areaName1 |
State/Province of the firestation department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.areaName2 |
County/Region of the firestation's department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.areaName3 |
City/Town of the firestation department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.areaName4 |
Suburb/Village of the firestation department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.postCode |
5-digit ZIP Code of firestation department with or without a hyphen. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.postCodeExt |
Zip code extension of the firestation department. | |
The 3-character ISO country code of the firestation department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.addressNumber |
Number of the department address of firestation department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.streetName |
Street name of firestation department's address. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.unitType |
Apartment/House type of firestation department's address. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.contactDetails.address.unitValue |
Apartment/House number of the firestation department's address. | |
Telephone number of the firestation department. |
fireStation.fireDepartment.fax |
Fax Number of the firestation department. |
fireStation.geometry.type |
Geometry Type. It is the point location of the firestation. |
fireStation.geometry.coordinates |
Location Coordinates i.e. Longitude and Latitude of the Location. (WGS 84
datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system). |
matchedAddress.formattedAddress |
Formatted Address of the input is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine |
matchedAddress.mainAddressLine |
Main address line of the input address. |
matchedAddress.addressLastLine |
Last last line of the input address. |
matchedAddress.placeName |
Name of the place of input site's address. |
matchedAddress.areaName1 |
State/Province of the input address. |
matchedAddress.areaName2 |
County/Region of the input address. |
matchedAddress.areaName3 |
City/Town of the input address. |
matchedAddress.areaName4 |
Suburb/Village of the input address. |
matchedAddress.postCode |
5-digit ZIP Code of the input address with or without a hyphen. |
matchedAddress.postCodeExt |
Zip code extension of the input address. | |
The 3-character ISO country code of the input address. |
fireStation.matchedAddress.addressNumber |
Number of station's input address. |
fireStation.matchedAddress.streetName |
Street name of station's input address. |
fireStation.matchedAddress.unitType |
Apartment/House type of station's input address. |
fireStation.matchedAddress.unitValue |
Apartment/House number of station's input address. |