Input and Output file specifications
This section lists the commonly used input and output specifications that needs to be
considered while processing the data file.
If you have a
different file specification requirement, then contact the Customer Success
Input File Specification
The input file requirements are as follows:
- ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 encoded.
- Input data file must be of a fixed-length, line-sequential, or delimited format. For Line-sequential and Delimited, the record separator needs to be a carriage return (0x0D), line feed (0x0A), or carriage return, line feed (0x0D0A).
- File format must be pipe-delimited with double quote text-qualifiers.
- Delimited header record represents the ordering of all fields in the input file. The header record is the first record in the file. The field names must exactly match the field input names used by each service. All fields in the file must be named in the header record.
- Use a pipe as the field separator for the delimited files as it does not appear in the data. However, you can also use a semicolon or comma as a field separator.
- RecordID field is available for user specific pass-through data.
Output File Specification
The output file contains the following properties:
- Utilizes the same encoding and delineation as the input file.
- Returns the available output fields.
- Contains a header record that indicates field ordering.