index list

The index list command returns a list of all Spectrum Advanced Matching search indexes in a tabular format. The details include index name, index type, and the number of records. Indexes can be of two types: Legacy or Clustered. You can back up and restore clustered indexes. You can export both legacy and clustered indexes to *.txt files using the export utility.

You can also write the index list to a CSV (.csv) file at any specified location.


index list --c checkSchema --f filePath
No--f filePath
File path to write index list.
Note: The output is a comma delimited text file.
No--c checkSchema

Compares repository schema with Elasticsearch schema.

Example 1

This example writes the search index list to the file listOutput.csv at the location: c:/exportLocation.

index list --f c:/exportLocation/listOutput.csv

Example 2

This example lists all search indexes.

index list

Example 3

This example checks the schema for all the search indexes and validates the schema to return the output as True or False, and writes the output to the file listOutput.csv at the location: c:/exportLocation.

index list --c true --f c:/exportLocation/listOutput.csv