Context Graph

The Administration Utility Command Line Interface (CLI) provides Context Graph (contextgraph) commands to manage models, view jobs and job status, and manage model schemas, queries, and metadata.

Command Description
contextgraph job listReturns a list of all Context Graph jobs.
contextgraph job statusReturns the status of a Context Graph job.
contextgraph model clearRemoves the contents of a Context Graph model.
contextgraph model deleteDeletes a Context Graph model.
contextgraph model listLists Context Graph models.
contextgraph query deleteDelete a query of a model.
contextgraph query listList queries of a model.
contextgraph schema copyCopies model metadata.
contextgraph schema count entityPropertyCounts an entity property of a model.
contextgraph schema count relationshipPropertyCounts a relationship property of a model.
contextgraph schema delete entityPropertyDelete a Context Graph model property.
contextgraph schema delete entityTypeDelete a model entity type.
contextgraph schema delete relationshipLabelDeletes a relationship label from a model.
contextgraph schema delete relationshipPropertyDeletes a relationship property from a Context Graph model.
contextgraph schema exportExports a model.
contextgraph schema importImports a model.
contextgraph schema importLogicalModelImports a logical model from Discovery into Context Graph.
contextgraph schema list allList entity types, relationship labels and total counts for a model.
contextgraph schema list entityPropertiesLists entity properties for a model.
contextgraph schema list entityTypesLists entity types for a model.
contextgraph schema list relationshipLabelsLists relationship labels for a model.
contextgraph schema list relationshipPropertiesLists entity properties for a model.
contextgraph schema modify indexTypeChanges the index type of a model.
contextgraph schema rename entityPropertyRename a model property.
contextgraph schema rename entityTypeRename an entity type for a model.
contextgraph schema rename relationshipLabelRename a relationship label.
contextgraph schema rename relationshipPropertyRename a model property.