gamdb modify
The gamdb modify command modifies and updates Spectrum Global Addressing databases.
gamdb modify --n Name --d Dataset Name --v Dataset Vintage --c Country --t Type --g Group --p Poolsize --mn minimum_memory_size --mx maximum_memory_sizeRequired | Argument | Description |
Yes | --n Name | Specifies the name of the database resource to modify. |
Yes | --d Dataset Name | Specifies the name of the SPD dataset that is the Qualifier name. |
Yes | --v Dataset Vintage | Specifies the vintage of the dataset. |
No | --c Country | Specifies the three-digit ISO code for each country to include in the databases specified by the "t" option (type of SPD) where Countries is a list of three-digit ISO codes separated by semicolons. For more information about ISO codes, see your Spectrum Technology Platform Addressing Guide. |
Yes | --t Type | Specifies the type of dataset.
Yes | --g Group | Specifies the coder for Global Address Validation.
No | --p Poolsize | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests you want this database to handle. The default is 4. |
No | --mn or --minMem minimum_memory_size | Defines the minimum amount of memory allocated for this database. This value must be less than or equal to the --mx setting. |
No | --mx or --maxMem maximum_memory_size | Defines the maximum amount of memory allocated for this database. This value must be greater than zero, but cannot exceed 65536 MB. |
This example modifies the poolsize of the Global Addressing Validation database for Germany named "GAV_DEU". This example specifies the Global Address Validation International coder.
gamdb modify --n GAV_DEU --d GAV_EMEA --v DEC2018 --c DEU --t GAV --g Global --p 6 --mn 12200 --mx 65536Example
This example modifies the poolsize of the Global Type Ahead database for Austria named "GTA_AUT".
gamdb modify --n GTA_AUT --d GTA_EMEA --v DEC2018 --c AUT --t GTA --p 3 --mn 12200 --mx 65536