gamdb modify

The gamdb modify command modifies and updates Spectrum Global Addressing databases.


gamdb modify --n Name --d Dataset Name --v Dataset Vintage --c Country --t Type --g Group --p Poolsize --mn minimum_memory_size --mx maximum_memory_size
Yes--n NameSpecifies the name of the database resource to modify.
Yes--d Dataset NameSpecifies the name of the SPD dataset that is the Qualifier name.
Yes--v Dataset VintageSpecifies the vintage of the dataset.
No--c CountrySpecifies the three-digit ISO code for each country to include in the databases specified by the "t" option (type of SPD) where Countries is a list of three-digit ISO codes separated by semicolons. For more information about ISO codes, see your Spectrum Technology Platform Addressing Guide.
Yes--t TypeSpecifies the type of dataset.
Global Address Validation database.
Global Type Ahead database.
Yes--g GroupSpecifies the coder for Global Address Validation.
Global Address Validation International coder.
Global Address Validation US coder.
No--p PoolsizeSpecifies the maximum number of concurrent requests you want this database to handle. The default is 4.
No--mn or --minMem minimum_memory_sizeDefines the minimum amount of memory allocated for this database. This value must be less than or equal to the --mx setting.
No--mx or --maxMem maximum_memory_sizeDefines the maximum amount of memory allocated for this database. This value must be greater than zero, but cannot exceed 65536 MB.


This example modifies the poolsize of the Global Addressing Validation database for Germany named "GAV_DEU". This example specifies the Global Address Validation International coder.

gamdb modify --n GAV_DEU --d GAV_EMEA --v DEC2018 --c DEU --t GAV --g Global --p 6 --mn 12200 --mx 65536


This example modifies the poolsize of the Global Type Ahead database for Austria named "GTA_AUT".

gamdb modify --n GTA_AUT --d GTA_EMEA --v DEC2018 --c AUT --t GTA --p 3 --mn 12200 --mx 65536