contextgraph schema list relationshipLabels

Lists relationship labels for a model.

Use the contextgraph schema list relationshipLabels command to return a list of all relationship labels for a Context Graph model.


contextgraph schema list relationshipLabels --m model --s sourceEntityType --t targetEntityType --c showConnections
Yes--m modelSpecifies the name of the model whose relationship labels you want to return.
No--s sourceEntityTypeSpecifies the type of source entity.
No--t targetEntityTypeSpecifies the type of target entity.
No--c showConnectionsSpecifies whether to show source and target entity types, where showConnections is one of the following:
Shows connections.
Does not show connections. This is the default setting.


This example returns a list of relationship labels with source and target entity types for a model called June2017 with a source entity type of Customer and a target entity type of AccountType.

contextgraph schema list relationshipLabels --m June2017 --s Customer --t AccountType --c