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Data sources

Your query starts with your selection of a data source in the properties dialog box. With each data source that is available to QUERY, you can use the three-step process to create a query, map it, and run query.

SAP and Custom Tables

The Winshuttle Data Dictionary displays the most commonly used tables. The tables display the following information:

Logical Databases (LDBs)

Logical databases are special ABAP programs that retrieve data and make it available to application programs. The most common use of logical databases is still to read data from database tables by linking them to executable ABAP programs.

You can use LDBs with QUERY only if the Winshuttle Function Module is installed on the SAP server that you use.

Security handling

The in-built logic for security inside the LDBs is respected by Winshuttle QUERY. No additional layer of security is required.

InfoSet/SAP Queries

SAP query and InfoSet query are the end-user query reporting tools. These are very valuable tools in generating customized reports. The real benefit is for the business users who otherwise will have to rely on programming staff to generate reports from the system. You can access SAP queries and InfoSets which are already created in SAP, using Winshuttle QUERY.

You can use InfoSets and SAP queries only if it is enabled in Administrator options. In addition, only one InfoSet/SAP query can be added to the query builder area at a time. Joining of more than one InfoSet/SAP query with tables is not supported.

Security handling

The table containing authorization objects for fields is used to securely extract records for InfoSet/SAP Queries. For more info, see Authorizations.

Security is applied on InfoSet/Query corresponding to the presence of table and field in authorization table. For example, if MARC-WERKS is present in InfoSet/Query, it is checked in a single table authorization table. If it exists, the data is filtered accordingly.

There is difference between how it is handled for InfoSet query and SAP query.

Also in this section

Starting a query

Tables and the Winshuttle Data Dictionary

Creating joins between tables

Adding items to and searching for items in query builder

Selecting fields

Saving a query

Recording transaction codes