Help Center>Studio (Connect)

Where is it in Studio v11?

Here are the common commands, features, and tasks in Winshuttle Transaction and Query, as well as Options and miscellaneous commands, and where you can find them in Studio v11.

File, View, Map, and Run refer to the ribbon tabs at the top of the Studio v11 window.

file view map run tabs

Query also has Workspace and Criteria tabs.

file view workspace criteria map run tabs

Tip: To find a command or feature on this page quickly, press Ctrl+F to search for it.

Home screen

home screen

Previous location

Studio v11 location

New Transaction script

File > New

Open Transaction script

File > Open > Computer > Browse

New Query script

File > New

Open Query script

File > Open > Computer > Browse

Create from Direct Script Not available

New Direct script

File > New

Open Direct script

File > Open > Computer > Browse

Most Recent Files & Favorites

File > Open > Recent Scripts

(Favorites are pinned at the top of the Recent Scripts list)


Previous location

Studio v11 location

Back to Main

Not applicable


File > New


File > Open > Computer > Browse

Save script*

File > Save

Quick Access Toolbar

Save As*

File > Save

Quick Access Toolbar


File > Exit

*To save a script as a previous version, click the Version box, and then choose the version that you want. New Studio v11 features, such as Add Long Text, will not be available.


Previous location

Studio v11 location

F1 Help

File > Help > Studio Help

Check for Updates

Not available

Generate support information

File > Help > Support Information

Launch Connect site

Not available


File > Help


New recording

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Create a recording using a t-code

File > New > Transaction > Create from Recording

recording button

Create recording from template

Not available


Select fields from a Direct template

File > New > Direct > Create from BAPI

bapi button

Recording properties

starting a recording

Note: The options in the Change Recording Mode box vary, depending on whether Winshuttle Function Module is installed. For more information, see Recording modes.

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Batch Input Mode

  1. File > New > Transaction > Create from Recording.
  2. Log on to SAP (if not already logged on).
  3. Click Change.
  4. Select the recording mode in the Change Recording Mode box.

Non-Batch Input Mode (With SAP Controls)

  1. File > New > Transaction > Create from Recording.
  2. Log on to SAP (if not already logged on).
  3. Click Change.
  4. Select recording mode from the Change Recording Mode box.

Non-Batch Input mode (Without SAP Controls)

  1. File > New > Transaction > Create from Recording.
  2. Log on to SAP (if not already logged on).
  3. Click Change.
  4. Select recording mode from the Change Recording Mode box.

GUI Scripting

  1. File > New > Transaction > Create from Recording.
  2. Logon to SAP (if not already logged on).
  3. Click Change.
  4. Select recording mode from the Change Recording Mode box.

Winshuttle Function Module

  1. File > New > Transaction > Create from Recording.
  2. Log on to SAP (if not already logged on).
  3. Click Change.
  4. Select recording mode from the Change Recording Mode box.

Retrieve field descriptions for Read only/Disabled fields

  1. File > New > Transaction > Create from Recording.
  2. Log on to SAP (if not already logged on).
  3. Retrieve field description for read only/disabled fields.

Title (editable field)

  1. File > Save.
  2. Script file > Script title.

Comments (editable field)

  1. File > Save.
  2. Script file > Author's comments.

Lock Transaction script

  1. File > Save.
  2. Script file > Lock script.

Display Info: Transaction Version

File > Save > Script file > Version

Display Info: Created By, Created On

File > Info

Purpose of creation

Map tab > Properties panel > Developer comments

Change t-code of existing recording Map tab > Properties panel (v11.4.0 and later)

Map, Transaction

map tab for transaction

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Create Mapping

Not applicable


Auto Map

Map > Auto Map

auto map fields to data file

Basic view of the Mapper

View > Basic View


Expert view of the Mapper

View > Expert View


Enable Row/Disable Row

Mapper > Enable column

Mapper > Right-click field > Enable/Disable

Properties panel > Field Enabled


Mapping Type

Mapper > Mapping column

Mapper > Right-click field > Map direction

Properties panel > Map direction

Map > Map direction button on the ribbon


Loop + Apply Multi Sheet

Map > Create Loop

create loop button

Field Description, Field Name, Values, Notes columns are editable

Change description/values inline

Change description/values from the Properties panel

Add comments to fields instead of notes:

  1. Right-click > Insert Comment
  2. Properties > Author comments


Map > Create Condition

if condition button

Read from SAP

Mapper > Mapping column > Download from SAP

Mapper > Right-click field > Map direction > Download from SAP

Properties panel > Map direction > Download from SAP

Map > Map direction button on the ribbon > Download from SAP

button showing download click to change to upload

Change Source Type

Mapper > Data Set panel


Column Mapping > Column Based

  1. File > New > Transaction > Create from Recording.
  2. Log on to SAP (if not already logged on).
  3. Data type > Excel.

Column Mapping > Cell Based

Map > Mapping group in the ribbon> Cell Based Mapping

button shows column mapping
button shows cell mapping

Validation Off/On

Map > Allow Validation

allow validation

Mapper filter (Hide read from SAP fields)

Not available


Mapper filter (Hide all disabled fields)

View > Disabled Fields


Mapper filter (Hide mapped fields)

View > Mapped fields


Mapper filter (Hide absolute value fields)

View > Fixed Values


Mapper filter (Hide System fields (BDC fields))

View > System Fields


Print Mapper Preview

Not available


Print Mapper

Not available


Find in Mapper

Map > Mapping group in the ribbon

find in mapper

Script Editor

Not applicable (advanced commands are available in the Properties panel)


Undo All Changes

Not available


Undo Mapper Change

Map > Undo


Refresh Mapper

Map > Mapping group in the ribbon


Synchronize/Synchronize All

Map > Mapping group in the ribbon


Cut/Copy/Paste Rows

Map > Cut/Copy/Paste

Right-click a row and click Cut or Copy, then right-click a row and click Paste.


Delete Rows

Map > Delete

Right-click a row and click Delete


Lock Headers

Map > Lock Headers


Write Headers

Map > Write Headers


Restore Mapping

Map > Restore Mapping


Excel preview, Access preview

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Add Sheet (Excel)

Data Set panel > Add sheet

add sheet

Open (Excel)

Data Set panel > Open a different data file (open folder button)


Save (Excel)

Data Set panel > Save the current Data Set file

save button

Adds new table (Access)

Data Set panel > Add Table

add table

Adds new column (Access)

Data Set panel > Add Column

add column

Change Table (Access)

Data Set panel > Click the table name


Open (Access)

Open a different Data Set file


Save (Access)

Data Set panel > Save the current Data Set file

save button

Document attachment

Map > Advanced Features

button in advanced features group

Transaction properties

Properties for the script, screens and fields are on the Map tab ribbon and in the Properties panel.

properties panel

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Skip Screen If Not Found

Map > Skip If Not Present

Mapper > Description column > icon

Properties panel > Skip If Not Present

skip screen if not present

Loop Column

Properties panel > Loop Column


Skip Transaction If Empty

Map > Require Data

Mapper > Value column > icon

Properties panel > Data required

require data skip transaction if empty

Validate by List

Map > Allowed Values

Mapper > Value column > icon

Properties panel > Allowed Values

allowed values button

Run screen, Transaction

run tab ribbon

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Publish macros

Not available

Publish Transaction script (to an Excel file)

Run > Script Actions group in the ribbon> Publish

View script metadata

File > Info

Add script to favorites

File > Open > Recent scripts > Pin this item

Choose a different data file from the Run screen (Browse)

Run > Open a different data file (open folder button above the yellow status bar)

Open Data File

Run > Open the data file in Excel (above the yellow status bar)

Write Headers

Run > Write Headers

Start Row, End Row


Sheet Name, Number of Rows


Log Column, Validation Log Column (if Validation is turned on)

Mapper > Run Log field, Validate Log field

Run Reasons

Dialog box opens on Run when Require Run Reason is selected.

Run Now

Run > Run

Run > Run Specified Range

Run > Run First 5 Rows

Run Later

Run > Schedule

Run on Errors

Run > Run Only Error Rows

Step-by-Step Run - Stop on all Screens

Run > Debug Specified Range

Run > Debug First Row Only

Step-by-Step Run - Stop on Errors

Run > Run and Stop on Errors

Step-by-Step Run - Run on Errors

Not available

Launch GUI

Run > Start SAP GUI

Validate/Run options

Not available

Run progress status in the status bar

Run progress bar below the ribbon


Stop (in the Run progress bar below the ribbon)

Advanced Run options

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Auto run Transaction script when opened

Not available

Close application after running

Map > Properties panel (Script properties)

Extended log column assignment

Mapper > Extended Log field

Error Warning column assignment

Not available

Append TimeStamp to SAP log messages

Log field > Properties > Append Time Stamp

Skip Field Indicator

Run > Skip Indicator

Delay between transactions

Run > Upload Delay

Link Transaction script

Run > Chain Scripts

Auto Logon File

Run > Auto Logon Credentials

Backup SAP data

Run > Backup Data

Run Not Posted

Run > Run Only Unprocessed Rows

Excel Save option

File > Options > Data Settings

Excel Close option

Not available

Log Viewer > Chart, Export

File > Log Viewer

Scheduler (Basic view)

File > Scheduled Tasks

Scheduler (Calendar view)

Not available

Scheduler (Ability to schedule a run from the scheduler wizard/page)

Run > Schedule

Authorization Check

File > Account

Import Dataloader project

Not available


New query

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Data Source: Tables

File > New > Query > Create from Tables

create from tables button

Data Source: InfoSets/Queries

File > New > Query > Create from InfoSet

create from infoset or query button

Data Source: Logical Databases

File > New > Query > Create from Logical Database

create from logical database button

SAP Tables and Query Builder

query workspace

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Data Dictionary tree with categories

Workspace > Table Search > Data Dictionary

Restore Master Data Dictionary

Right-click the top level of the Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary category options:

Add Sub Category

Rename Category

Delete Category

Add Table to Category


Right-click a Data Dictionary category

Data Dictionary table options:

Add SAP Table to Workspace

Remove Table

Right-click a Data Dictionary table

Data Dictionary: Search by Table

Workspace > Table Search

Add Table

Workspace > Add Table

Remove Table

Workspace > select the table > Remove Table

Inspect Table

Workspace > select the table > Inspect Table

Show in Data Dictionary

Workspace > select the table > Show in Data Dictionary

Quick Add tables

Workspace > Quick Add box > Add to Workspace

Table options:

Sort by Field Description

Sort by Field Name

Sort by Field Selection

Default Field Sorting

Right-click the table in the workspace

Join options

Workspace > Find Joining Table

Right-click the join

Convert Join

Workspace > Convert Join

Remove Join

Workspace > Remove Join


query criteria builder

Criteria pane, Output

Workspace > table > Output check box


Criteria pane, Selection

Workspace > table > Criteria check box


Criteria pane, Field Description

Workspace > table > Name Description


Criteria pane, Selection Type

Criteria > Criteria group in the ribbon


Criteria pane, Where Clause



Criteria pane, Required

Criteria > Criteria group in the ribbon > Require Data

require data button in ribbon

Map, Query

query map tab

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Auto Map

Map > Auto Map


Enable Row/Disable Row

Mapper > Enable column

Mapper > Right-click the field > Enable/Disable

Properties panel > Field Enabled


Mapping Type

Mapper > Mapping column

Mapper > Right-click field > Map direction

Properties panel > Map direction

map direction button

Excel Expression

Expression Evaluation cell

Transform Original Mapping

Expression Evaluation Description


Map > select field in the Mapper > Add Transform

Mapper > icon in the Mapped to Column column

Properties panel > Transform formula icon

add transform button

Preview Run

Map > Preview Run


Note:Only English syntax formulas are recognized; when used in an Excel sheet for German, French, or Spanish, an error is returned.

Excel preview, Access preview

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Open (Excel)

Data Set panel > Open a different data file (open folder button)


Save (Excel)

Data Set panel > Save the current Data Set file

save button

Query properties and options

query properties

Previous location

Studio v11 location

QUERY Script Properties box:


SAP system

Created by

Date & Time

Reason for creation


Map > Properties panel

QUERY Script Properties box:

Lock QUERY script


File > Save**

**To save a script as a previous version, click the Version box, and then choose the version that you want.

Run screen, Query

query run tab

query run tab

Previous location

Studio v11 location


Run > Publish

Write Headers

Run > Write Headers

Start Row


Sheet Name, Number of Rows


Run reason

Dialog box opens on Run when Require Run Reason is selected.

Run Now

Run > Run

Run > Run Specified Range

Run > Run First 5 Rows

Run Later

Run > Schedule

Run as Not available

Background Mode

Run > Start Background Mode

Run as SAP Background Process

Run > Run as SAP Background Process

Adaptive Query Throttling

Run > Enable Adaptive Query Throttling

No. of entries

Run > Number of Entries

Tools > Options

For more details, see Studio options.

Application Defaults

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Path defaults

File > Options > Locations

Microsoft Excel defaults

File > Options > Data

Default Sheet Name Not available
Log Column Not available; can choose between first column and last column or specify column in the Mapper
Use Excel Spreadsheet in Mapper Preview Studio v11 displays the Excel sheet in Spreadsheet Gear mode.
Run Excel in the background mode Studio v11 runs Excel in the background but does not launch Excel

Data read preference

File > Options > Data

Number of rows to remain empty before run stops

File > Options > Data

Default No. of records in Recent and Favorite Not available. (Maximum number is 15.)

Default number of records in Recent and Favorites

Not available

Skip Field Indicator

File > Options > Data

Trim data before uploading into your SAP System

File > Options > Data

Default number of records to download File > Options > Data

SAP Defaults

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Logon defaults

File > Options > SAP Settings

Remember last logon password

Sustained logon timeout

Not applicable; Studio v11 has the Stay logged on for the entire session option, which retains the logon until Studio is closed

Recording defaults

File > Options > SAP Settings

Allow multithreaded SAP GUI launch

File > Options > SAP Settings

User Data Formats File > Options > Data

Auto Update

Previous location

Studio v11 location

At startup

Not available

After x days

Not available


Not available

Check for update now

Not available

Error Management

Previous location

Studio v11 location

For Excel

Common for all data files: File > Options > Logs & Errors

For Access

Common for all data files: File > Options > Logs & Errors

For Google spreadsheets

Not available

Trace (Application, SAP)

File > Options > Logs & Errors

Additional options

Previous location

Studio v11 location

ALF Management

Advanced SAP Logon dialog box

Production Server Warning

File > Options > Production Server Warning

Admin Defaults

Not applicable

Client Connection Settings

File > Options > Proxy & Email

Header Log Details

File > Options > Logs & Errors

Restore Defaults

File > Options

Miscellaneous commands and features

Previous location

Studio v11 location

Change language from the status bar

File > Help > Language list

SAP Server Connection information in the status bar

Status bar

SAP Certified Image

Not available

as different user in Connect Mode + Proxy Settings

Status bar

Logged-on user's welcome string

Status bar

Online/offline icon in status bar

Logged-on user's name in the status bar

Help > Launch Connect Site

Not available

For Google Docs, while saving in Mapper view, ask for Logon credentials

Not available