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Advanced mapping

Validating data

When you create a script, you can ensure that anyone who runs that script first validates the data in the accompanying data sheet before posting it. With validation included in the script, you do not need a separate validation sheet. Validation is off by default and must be turned on in the mapping screen.

Important: Before you turn validation on, be sure that the script contains only one commit code and that the commit code appears at the end of the script.

A commit code represents any kind of save action. Example commit code values include =BU and =SICH.

If a transaction script contains more than one commit code, some of the data might be committed to SAP during validation. This has been fixed in Studio v11.0.2.

Validation is available for all data sources.

The Run pane displays the Validation Log Column. You can also edit the column in the Run pane.

Validation on loops

For Excel, validation works for all line items and the validation log messages are written next to the individual line items. For Access tables, the innermost loop table is used for writing validation messages. The validation is performed on the individual line items along with their header values and does not check the integrity of the complete document.

Validating for cell-based mapping

When you turn on validation for the script, you have the option to define a validation column. In the Mapper, the Validation log row appears below the Log row. Drag to map the column as you would any other column.

The Run pane displays the Validation Log Column. You can also edit the column in the Run pane.

Validating linked scripts

Linked scripts, both Excel and Access, can be validated. Validation on linked scripts is possible for the following configurations:

To turn validation on or off

Validate in the Run pane

You can validate data to ensure that there are no errors before you upload it. When you validate, the data is not uploaded.

To validate a data file

  1. Click Validate.
  2. Correct any errors or make changes, and then click Run to upload the data.

Also in this section

Editing in the Mapper

Filtering mapper settings

Advanced looping capability

Limiting input fields

Mapping Google spreadsheets

Setting conditions: IF statements

Validate by list

Compensating for missing SAP screens and fields

Undo and Undo All

Mapping long text

Converting data types to strings

Attaching documents

Auto mapping

Downloading from SAP

Editing a TRANSACTION script