New features in TRANSACTION version 10.6/10.7 > Preparing to record and recording SAP transactions > Production Server Warning (Prod. Svr. Warning)
Production Server Warning (Prod. Svr. Warning)
Use Prod. Svr. Warning to maintain a list of SAP Production servers:
- On the Main menu, click Tools, and then click Options
to display the Options dialog box. Click Prod. Svr. Warning to display the settings shown below.
The Production Server Warning settings contain:
Production Server Warning
- Production Server List: Use these setting to maintain a list of the SAP Production servers:
- Click Add to identify a new Production server to the list and select the desired server. TRANSACTION can generate warnings for any of the servers listed.
- Click Delete to remove a Production server from the list.
- Enable Production Server: Mark this check box to generate a warning every time you log on to a Production server. Clear this check box if you don’t want to receive any warnings. If the Production Server warning flag is on, but you have not yet added any servers to the list, a warning is displayed each time you Record or Run a transaction. You can stop this warning by either turning the flag off or adding a server to your list. In this case, a warning is shown each time you log on to one of the systems included on the server list.