Troubleshooting Specific DAM Errors

For each digital asset, a record is created in DamMaster successfully but no image variants are processed.

Check the MonitorDAMDrop and RegenerateDAMVariant utility folders:


to see if a license file Aurigma.GraphisMill.lic is missing or contains incorrect license keys.

If the license key is missing, work with the EnterWorks Sales Operation team to register the customer name with Aurigma.GraphicsMill.

The enable-dam-manager-service.log file shows "Error: could not write to stdin, err=write|1: The pipe is being closed."

The log file in:


contains the following error messages:

<date> <time> INFO MonitorDamDrop stdin: MyTest.jpg?user=system <date> <time> INFO ERROR: could not write to stdin, err= write |1: The pipe is being closed.

To correct the issue, restart enable-dam-manager-service.

Unable to load digital assets. The error message generated is: DAMMangerBackground is Stream closed.


  • When a user attempts to upload digital assets, they cannot and the error message generated is:

    DAMMangerBackground is Stream closed.
  • The monitorDAMDrop process's log shows an error similar to warning shown below:

    <date> <time> Line 2: 2022-04-11 11:48:35Z PIMQL ERROR IsMatchByName attribute not matched repo.attr=DAMVariantSizes.RegexRule

    The log file is:


    If the file is not in that folder, find the file's location by checking the logpath setting in MonitorDAMDrop's configuration file:


Source of the problem: One or more attributes are missing in the indicated DAM configuration repository. When an upgrade is applied to EnterWorks, the profiles for the DAM repositories are not changed, however, the newer version of EnterWorks may need attributes to be added to the profiles. The error message generated indicates which repository needs which attribute:

<date> <time> Line 2: <date><time>Z PIMQL ERROR IsMatchByName attribute not matched repo.attr=<repository>.<attribute>

To fix the problem:

Check the EnterWorks support site to see if they have a knowledge base (KB) article addressing this issue. If they do not, contact EnterWorks support to get assistance solving this problem.