Sample URI


Basic vs. Advanced vs. Premium

Precisely's Geocode API's ‘Basic’ offering will reverse geocode to a Geographic or Postal code level and will be priced lower than the 'Advanced' and ‘Premium’ offerings. See Country Postal and Geographical Data Coverage for a summary of countries and postal data coverage.

'Advanced' method offering will reverse geocode to a higher precision level than 'Basic' offering. It will reverse geocode to a Address or Street level with option of fallback to Postal or Geographic level if Address/Street level match is not found. Advanced method is priced lower than Premium method as the accuracy and number of matches at Address or Street level will be lower than what the Premium method offers. See Supported Countries section for a summary of supported countries for Advanced reverse geocoding.

‘Premium’ offering has Precisely's best Geocoding datasets configured and will reverse geocode to a higher precision level – Address or Street level, with an option to fallback to geographic/postal level if a high precision match is not found. Accuracy and number of matches at Address/Street level are the best/highest in Premium method. See Supported Countries section for a summary of supported countries for premium geocoding.


Transient specifies that customer can view the results, use them in their operations and thereafter discard them immediately. In other words, customer is not allowed to persist or store the results.