
Field Name Description Type
AddressGeoid Geography ID: 15-digit ID from TIGER Block (state FIPS, county FIPS, census tract, block group, and block) String
AddressLat Latitude (6 decimal places) double
AddressLon Longitude (6 decimal places) double
AddressNum House Number String
BuildingID.Input BuildingID input by the user in the request String
City City name String
GeometryWKT Point geometry String
IsParent true or false boolean
LocCode The precision location for the coordinate location String
ParcellD.Input ParcelID input by the user in the request String

PreciselyID of the parent record, if applicable


ParentID input by the user in the request

PBKey Unique ID for an addressable location String
Plus4 ZIP+4 extension String
POIID.Input POIID input by the user in the request String
PreciselyID PreciselyID, a unique ID for an addressable location String
PreciselyID.Input PreciselyID input by the user in the request String
PropertyAttributeID.Input PropertyAttributeID input by the user in the request String
PropType Property type classification String
State State abbreviation String
Status F if failure occurred, otherwise blank String
Status.Code Reason for failure String
Status.Description Description of the problem, if there is one String
StreetName Street Name String
UnitDes Unit type designator (Apt., Unit, etc.). String
UnitNum Secondary address unit number String
ZipCode ZIP Code String