
Takes an input PreciselyID, Building ID, Parcel ID, APN ID, POI ID, Property Attribute ID, or Geometry and returns the related parcel/property information.
  • Precisely ID input returns the parcel in the Parcel Boundary table related to an address.
  • Building ID input returns the parcels in the Parcel Boundary table related to a building.
  • Parcel ID input returns parcel found in the Parcel Boundary table.
  • APN ID input returns the parcels in the Parcel Boundary table related to a tax_apn from the Parcel Addresses table.
  • Property Attribute ID returns the parcels in the Parcel Boundary table related to a Property Attribute ID.
  • POI ID returns the parcels in the Parcel Boundary table related to a POI.
  • Point WKT Geometry input returns the parcel boundary that contains location coordinates (latitude/longitude).
  • Polygon WKT Geometry input returns the parcel boundary that intersect/overlap with Polygon WKT Geometry.
  • Line WKT Geometry input returns the parcel boundary that intersects/overlaps with Line WKT Geometry.

Resource URL

JSON endpoint:


XML endpoint:


For a list of Spectrum OnDemand servers, see Connecting to Spectrum OnDemand Servers.

Example with JSON Response

The following example requests a JSON response:

The JSON returned by this request would be:

    "Output": [
            "ReturnedParcelCount": 1,
            "ParcelGeometryWKT": "POLYGON ((-122.32119 37.99623, -122.321563 37.996296, -122.32152 37.996454, -122.321127 37.996384, -122.32119 37.99623))",
            "ParcelID": "C000CU6GYOKM",
            "Fips": "06013",
            "Geoid": "060133640022011",
            "APN": "403182003",
            "Area": 6648.0,
            "Longitude": -122.32135,
            "Latitude": 37.99634,
            "Elevation": 37.0,
            "TotalParcelCount": 1,
            "BuildingID.Input": "B000CTOVHYPL",
            "user_fields": []

Example with XML Response

The following example requests an XML response:

The XML returned by this request would be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xml.GetParcelResponse xmlns="">
            <ParcelGeometryWKT>POLYGON ((-122.32119 37.99623, -122.321563 37.996296, -122.32152 37.996454, -122.321127 37.996384, -122.32119 37.99623))</ParcelGeometryWKT>