Creating a New Geocoder Configuration

Spectrum Spatial Analyst can supports multiple Geocoding databases. While creating a new global Geocoding configuration, administrators can select a database and the supported country in Spectrum Spatial Manager. As a result, when a Spectrum Spatial Analyst user searches for an address, ZIP Code or place name, the search results are fetched from the selected database and country only.

To create a new geocoder configuration:

  1. Open the Geocoder Configuration page.
  2. Click on the Create New button.
    A new Geocoder Configuration page appears.
  3. Enter the name of the geocoder in the Name text box.
    Note: Any special characters are not supported in name. You cannot create a configuration with the an existing name.
  4. Enter the repository path in the Repository folder text box to save the new geocoding configuration.
  5. You can also click on the button. The Select a Folder dialog box opens.
  6. Click on the New Folder button to create a new folder or you can select a folder from the list.
  7. Select one of the following Deployment option.
  8. Click Save to save the new geocoder configuration. It is listed on the left-hand side of the screen under the Geocoder Configurations.
  9. Click Cancel to move back to previous page without creating geocoder configuration.