Spatial Java Properties

Properties for managing the database connection pool, file handles, and the repository cache can be set in the Management Console by the admin. The following tables show the initial value for each property set during Spectrum Spatial installation. These are recommended settings but you may wish to change them for your deployment.

Changes to these properties take effect immediately. We recommend scheduling when you change Spatial Java Properties because changes restart Spectrum Spatial, which could cause requests that are running to fail.

For more information about these and other properties see:


Property Initial Value Type Description


false boolean Registers the pool MBeans to the JMX server.


5 integer The initial number of connections that are created when the pool starts.


string The number of seconds (queryTimeout=seconds) after which a query times out. A negative value disables this feature. For details, see Configuring Request Timeouts.


10 integer The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time.


10 integer The maximum number of connections to keep in the pool at all times.


5 integer The minimum number of connections to keep in the pool at all times.


boolean When true validates connections before borrowing them from the pool. If the connection fails to validate, it is dropped from the pool and the pool attempts to borrow another.


Property Initial Value Type Description


boolean When true blocks access to the pool when the maximum number of active handles has been reached (when the pool is exhausted).


boolean When true minimizes file opening and closing during operations when Shape or Tab files have volatility set to false. (See also Shapefile and MapInfo Native TAB)


-1 integer The maximum number of handles that can sit in the pool unused.

Only takes effect when positive and timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis is greater than zero.


20 integer The maximum number of handles allocated to each of the Shape and Tab file pools.

A negative value sets no limit to the number of objects that can be managed by the pool at one time.


10 integer The maximum number of handles allocated per file.

A negative value sets no limit.


30000 integer The maximum time in milliseconds to wait to get a handle from the pool.

A negative value may block the pool indefinitely.


60000 integer The minimum amount of time in milliseconds a handle may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor.

A negative value ensures no objects are evicted from the pool due only to idle time.


-1 integer The minimum number of handles that can sit in the pool unused before being closed.

Only takes effect when positive and timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis is greater than zero.


1 integer The maximum number of handles to examine during each run (if any) of the idle handle evictor thread.

A negative value (-n) specifies that one nth of the idle objects are tested per run.


boolean When true handles borrowed from the pool are validated before being returned.


boolean When true the idle object evictor validates handles sitting idle in the pool. An invalid handle is removed from the pool and destroyed.


10000 integer The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle handle evictor thread.

A negative value ensures no idle object evictor thread is run.


Property Initial Value Type Description


500 integer The number of resources cached by the remote component at any given time.


1000 integer The expiry time in milliseconds. If the cache policy is set to 2 (check with expire), this value is used as the interval to check for updating the resource being accessed.


1 1, 2, 3 Sets when resources in the cache are checked to update with the latest version in the repository. Input values are 0 (Never), 1 (Always), and 2 (Check With Expire).

For more information about repository.cache properties, see Modifying Cache Properties.


Property Initial Value Type Description

false boolean When set to true, Spectrum Spatial processes tab data in a case insensitive manner. When set to false Spectrum Spatial considers the case when processing tab data.


Property Initial Value Type Description


-1 integer The number of seconds after which a Feature Service request stops if it does not finish. When the request stops it cancels the processing threads and releases resources (CPU and Memory).

A negative value disables this feature. The default value is -1.


-1 integer The number of seconds after which a Mapping Service request stops if it does not finish. When the request stops it cancels the processing threads and releases resources (CPU and Memory).

A negative value disables this feature. The default value is -1.

For more information about timeout properties, see Configuring Request Timeouts.