
Field Name Description Type
APNID.Input APNID input by the user in the request String
BuildingID.Input BuildingID input by the user in the request String
APN Unique Parcel APN derived from the Parcel geometry String
Area Total area of the parcel in square feet double
Elevation Elevation at the parcel centroid, in feet above sea level. Value will be -9,999 when no elevation data is available double
Fips Combination of the FIPS codes for the state (first two digits) and county (last three digits) in which the property is located String
Geoid Geography ID; 15-digit ID from TIGER block (state FIPS, county FIPS, tract FIPS, block group FIPS, and block FIPS) String
ParcelGeometryWKT Parcel Polygon geometry String
ParcelID.Input ParcelID input by the user in request String
Latitude Latitude of the polygon centroid double
ParcellD Unique parcel identifier String
Longitude Longitude of the polygon centroid double
Parent PreciselyID of parent record, if applicable String
POIID.Input POIID input by the user in the request String
PreciselyID.Input PreciselylD input by the user in the request String
PropertyAttributeID.Input PropertyAttributeID input by the user in the request String
Status F if failure occurred. Otherwise blank String
Status.Code Reason for failure String
Status.Description Description of the problem, if there is one String
TotalParcelCount Total number of parcels that could be returned by a query if not filtered by the MaxCandidates setting integer