Named Connections

A named connection is a type of named resource that defines the connection details for connecting to data sources. This is where you provide details about your database or file-system location. Named connections are stored in the repository. Named connections are created, viewed, and managed using Spectrum Spatial Manager.

There are two types of named connections: file-based (file system) and database.

Named Connections for Files

File-based named connections are used for TAB files, shapefiles, and GeoPackage files. The named connection contains a root path that can be updated without affecting the relative hierarchy of the files, such as in the case of relocating files to another drive or system.

Named Connections for Databases

Spectrum Spatial supports JDBC named connections for databases (Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and Generic JDBC).


Spectrum Spatial supports the major spatial databases listed above. Nothing needs to be added to support them. If you are trying to access a different database than above, you may need to ensure that the proper database JAR files have been installed in Spectrum Technology Platform. Copy the appropriate JAR files to the <spectrum_dir>/server/modules/spatial/lib directory. Once you have copied your JAR files, restart the server.

The Spatial Sub-Administrator Role and Named Connections

Spectrum Spatial sub-administrators (assigned the spatial-sub-admin role) are prevented from creating named connections in Spectrum Spatial Manager so that these users cannot browse the file system for files and create named tables circumventing the restrictions on what data they can see.

By default, a spatial-sub-admin cannot create, update, delete, or move a named connection unless an administrator (admin user) enables this level of permission. This is useful when an administrator wants to delegate the connection creation, such as when each spatial-sub-admin user has their own spatial database tables and database password to those databases and sharing TAB files is not a concern.

To give the spatial-sub-admin role permission to create named connections, an admin would edit the file located under SpectrumDirectory/server/modules/ and set the property to true. The Spectrum Spatial server requires a restart to have this change take effect (for details, see Restarting Spectrum Spatial).