Index of Functions
The following functions are supported.
Function | Description |
Abs | Calculates the absolute value. |
Acos | Calculates the arccosine. |
Ascii | Returns the character code for the first character in a string. |
Asin | Calculates the arcsine. |
Atan | Calculates the arctangent. |
Avg | Computes the average value of an aggregation of values. |
Ceil | Ceiling - Always returns the smallest integer value not less than the argument. |
Char | Returns a string of length 1 corresponding to a specified character code. |
Char_Length | Returns the number of characters in the string argument. |
Cos | Calculates the cosine. |
Count | Counts the number of values in an aggregation of values. |
Current_Date | Returns the current date. |
Current_DateTime | Returns the current date time. |
Current_Time | Returns the current time. |
DateTimeToString | Converts a DateTime into a string. |
DateToNumber | Converts a Date into a number. |
DateToString | Converts a Date into a string. |
Day | Returns the day of the month as an integer. |
Exp | Returns the value of the base of natural logarithms raised to the power of the argument. |
Floor | Always returns the highest integer value that is not greater than the argument. |
FromGeoJSON | Converts a string formatted in GeoJSON to a Spatial Feature geometry. |
FromKML | Converts a string formatted in KML to a feature geometry. |
FromWKB | Converts a WKB BLOB value to a feature geometry. |
FromWKT | Converts a string formatted in WKT to a feature geometry. |
GetDate | Returns the Date component of a DateTime. |
GetTime | Returns the Time component of a DateTime. |
Hour | Accepts a Time and returns the hour portion as an integer (0-23). |
InStr | Searches one character string for another character string. |
Left | Returns a specified number of leftmost characters from a string. |
Log | Calculates the natural logarithm. |
Lower | Converts a string to lower case. |
Ltrim | Removes leading space characters from a string and returns the resulting string. |
Majority | Works on an attribute and returns the value that is greater than 50% of the rows in that attribute. |
MakeDateTime | Create a new DateTime value from a given date and time. |
Max | Computes the maximum value of an aggregation of values. |
Median | Returns the median of all the values in the specified attribute. |
MI_AggregateBuffer | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry object which represents a buffered distance around the aggregated geometry objects. |
MI_AggregateCentroid | Returns the centroid of the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an aggregated set of geometry objects. |
MI_AggregateConvexHull | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry object which represents a convex hull around the set of points contained within an aggregated set of geometry objects. |
MI_AggregateEnvelope | Returns an Envelope geometry object representing the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an aggregated set of geometry object. |
MI_AggregateIndividual | Returns any individual value from the aggregation of values. |
MI_AggregateIntersection | Returns a geometry object which represents the intersection of an aggregated set of geometry object. |
MI_AggregateUnion | Returns a geometry object which represents the union of an aggregated set of geometry objects. |
MI_Area | Returns the geographical area of a geometry object. |
MI_Box | Creates a new Feature Geometry object which represents a rectangular box. |
MI_Buffer | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry object which represents a buffered distance around another geometry object. |
MI_Centroid | Returns the centroid of a geometry object as a Point geometry object. |
MI_CentroidDistance | Returns the geographic distance between the centroids of two geometry objects. |
MI_CentroidWithin | Determines if the centroid of a geometry object lies within another geometry object. |
MI_CentroidX | Returns the x-coordinate of the centroid of a geometry object. |
MI_CentroidY | Returns the y-coordinate of the centroid of a geometry object. |
MI_Contains | Determines if one geometry object entirely contains another geometry object. |
MI_ContainsCentroid | Determines if the centroid of a geometry object lies within another geometry object. |
MI_ConvexHull | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry object which represents a convex hull around the set of points contained in the input geometry. |
MI_Difference | Calculates the difference between two geometries. |
MI_Distance | Returns the geographic distance between two geometry objects. |
MI_DistanceToEdge | Returns the distance between two geometries using the computation type and distance units. |
MI_EngineVersion | Indicates the version of the engine. |
MI_Envelope | Returns an Envelope geometry object representing the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the input geometry. |
MI_EnvelopesIntersect | Determines if the minimum bounding rectangles (MBR) of two geometry objects intersect. |
MI_GeoHash | Returns a geohash index for given geometry at a given precision. |
MI_GeometryType | Returns a string indicating the type of a geometry object. |
MI_GridRegionStats | Returns the aggregated statistics from a raster within a region object. This function also applies to an MRR file and continuous field types with numeric bands. |
MI_GridLineProfile | Returns the cell values from a raster along a series of points specified by the line or polyline object. This function also applies to an MRR file and continuous field types with numeric bands. |
MI_GridLineStats | Returns the cell values from a raster along a polyline or line object. This function also applies to an MRR file and continuous field types with numeric bands. |
MI_GridMinValue | Returns the minimum value for specified field and band in MRR. If field and band are not specified, it considers the default field and band that is used for MRR rendering. If the MRR contains only the continuous field, the return type is double. If the MRR contains fields other than the continuous one, the return type is a string. This function supports all field and band types in multi-field multi-band MRR. |
MI_GridMaxValue | Returns the maximum for specified field and band in MRR. If field and band are not specified, it considers the default field and band that is used for MRR rendering. If the MRR contains only the continuous field, the return type is double. If the MRR contains fields other than the continuous one, the return type is a string. This function supports all field and band types in multi-field multi-band MRR. |
MI_GridValueAt | Returns the value of a Grid at the specified point location. |
MI_GridValueAtPixel | Returns the value of a Grid at the specified pixel location (x, y). |
MI_ImageFile | Returns the filename from an ImageInfo (Raster or Grid) as a string. |
MI_ImagePixelHeight | Returns the height of a raster or grid image in pixels as an integer. |
MI_ImagePixelWidth | Returns the width of a raster or grid image in pixels as an integer. |
MI_Intersection | Returns a geometry object which represents the intersection between two input geometry objects. |
MI_Intersects | Determines if one geometry object intersects another geometry object. |
MI_Length | Returns the geographic length of a line or polyline geometry object. |
MI_Line | Creates a new Feature Geometry object which represents a line. |
MI_MaxX | Returns the maximum x value of the MBR of a geometry. |
MI_MaxY | Returns the maximum y value of the MBR of a geometry. |
MI_MinX | Returns the minimum x value of the MBR of a geometry. |
MI_MinY | Returns the minimum y value of the MBR of a geometry. |
Min | Computes the minimum value of an aggregation of values. |
Minute | Accepts a Time and returns the minute portion an integer (0-59). |
MI_Perimeter | Returns the geographic perimeter of a geometry object. |
MI_Point | Creates a new Feature Geometry object representing a point. |
MI_Polygon | Creates a new Feature Geometry object which represents a polygon. |
MI_Transform | Transforms a geometry from one coordinate system to another. |
MI_Union | Returns a geometry object which represents the union of two input geometry objects. |
MI_Within | Determines if one geometry object is entirely within another geometry object. |
MI_X | Returns the x coordinate of a Point geometry. |
MI_Y | Returns the y coordinate of a Point geometry. |
MI_NumGeometries | Returns the number of geometries in a MultiGeometry. |
MI_NumPoints | Returns the number of points (vertice s) in a geometry. |
MI_GeometryN | Returns the nth geometry in a MultiGeometry. |
MI_PointN | Returns a point that is the nth vertex in the geometry. |
MI_SQLVersion | Indicates the version of the SQL language the engine currently supports. |
MI_EngineVersion | Indicates the version of the engine. |
MI_User | Indicates the name of the currently logged-in user. It returns the username as a String. |
MI_Roles | Indicates the roles of the currently logged-in user. It returns all roles as a String, separated by a comma. |
Mod | Divides one numeric expression by another numeric expression and returns the remainder. |
Mode | Computes the mode value of an aggregation of values. |
Month | Returns the month portion of a date as an integer. |
NumberToDate | Creates a Date from a number. |
NumberToString | Converts a number into a string. |
NumberToTime | Creates a Time from a number. |
ProportionAvg | Computes the average of an aggregation of values which are adjusted based. on the proportion of two geometry objects. |
ProportionSum | Computes the sum of an aggregation of values which are adjusted based on the proportion of two geometry objects. |
ProportionWtAvg | Computes the weighted average of an aggregation of values which are adjusted based on the proportion of two geometry objects. |
Right | Returns a specified number of rightmost characters from a string. |
Round | Rounds a value to the nearest multiple of another value. |
Rtrim | Removes trailing space characters from a string and returns the resulting string. |
Same | Returns the value that is the same in all the records in the specified attribute. |
Second | Accepts a Time and returns the second portion a double (0-59.999). |
Sign | Returns the sign of the argument. |
Sin | Calculates the sine. |
Space | Returns a string consisting of a specified number of space characters. |
Sqrt | Calculates the square root. |
StdDev | Calculates the standard deviation of an aggregation of values. |
StringByteLength | Returns the number of bytes in a string for a given charset. |
StringToDate | Creates a Date from a character string. |
StringToDateTime | Creates a DateTime value from a character string. |
StringToNumber | Converts a string into a number. |
StringToTime | Converts a string into a time. |
Substring | Extracts a portion of a string to form a new string. |
Sum | Computes the sum of an aggregation of values. |
Tan | Calculates the tangent. |
TimeToNumber | Converts a time into a number. |
TimeToString | Converts a time into a string. |
ToGeoJSON | Converts a Spatial Geometry to its GeoJSON equivalent. |
ToKML | Converts a geometry to its KML equivalent. |
ToWKB | Converts a feature geometry to its WKB equivalent. |
ToWKT | Converts a feature geometry to its WKT equivalent. |
Trim | Removes leading and trailing space characters from a string and returns the resulting string. |
Trunc | Truncates the argument to the number of decimal places. |
Upper | Converts a string to upper case. |
Weekday | Returns an integer from 1 to 7, indicating the weekday of the specified date. |
WtAvg | Computes the weighted average value of an aggregation of values and weights. |
Year | Returns the year portion of a date as an integer. |