

Returns the cell values from a raster along a series of points specified by the line or polyline object. This function also applies to an MRR file and continuous field types with numeric bands.


MI_GridLineProfile (GridInfo, polyline, steps, <field>, <band>)

Note: field and band are only applicable for MRR and are optional parameters. See Arguments for more details.


MI_GridLineProfile has the following arguments:
  • GridInfo identifies the information from the Raster or Grid file. The value is always the string MI_RASTER.
  • polyline is an expression which returns a polyline geometry. Only single segment polyline is supported by this function.
  • Steps is the number of times the line or polyline should be sampled.
  • field specifies the field index and is an integer value greater than or equal to zero (0). It is an optional parameter.
  • band specifies the band index of the field selected and is an integer value greater than or equal to zero (0). It is required only if the field is specified.


Determines the grid value of the MI_RASTER column at the specified point geometry from the table named GRIDTABLE.

SELECT MI_GridLineProfile("MI_RASTER",FromWKT('LINESTRING (2567486.05392132 6430020.95831226,4880631.08522042 8014953.68425432,7150940.09148436 7115397.2787318,8050496.4969979 9257198.22994911,10406477.5533322 6986889.22366252,8907216.87747627 6301512.90324297,9678265.2078843 5016432.33251259,12591114.5496008 7158233.28372989,12248426.3893944 4074039.90195447)', 'EPSG:3857'), 10, 0,0) FROM "/Samples/NamedTables/MRRWorldTable" 


The band and field value precedence rules for MRR

  • When field and band values are in the query, the field and band values of the query are considered.
  • When query has just field and no band value. Values for all numeric bands of specified continuous field is returned as an array.
  • When query has no field and band values at all, values for all continuous fields and numeric bands values are returned as an array.